Denny – Collie x Retreiver Pup

Denny – Collie x Retreiver Pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Denny – Collie x Retreiver Pup

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    Denny is getting on well with us. He is still a nervous little fella and tends to run from new people, but was great with Marie’s son so think he’ll be good with kids. He spends the night lying at your feet waiting for any bit of attention you want to throw his way :D He gets on well with the other dogs but doesn’t seem to like too much rough playing, he’ll play for a while and then comes back to us for a cuddle leaving the crazy dogs behind him :lol: He is a very calm pup :) He’s eating well, when away from the other dogs ;) and loving any treats that come his way :D He’s not too good on the lead probably due to his nerves, but has definitely improved so will do well with training, He really is a lovely little guy who will be a great addition to any family.




    thanks so much for the lovely pics..was wondering how little denny was getting on. He looks great. I am sure he will continue to gain more confidence with happy to see him in foster though! I loved this guy when he was in the pound…what a beauty!!


    Denny went to his forever home today. Missing him loads:( My lap is already cold :lol: Good luck to Mary, Adrian and the boys and Max too. I’m sure Denny’s already curled up in their bed taking over!


    My biggest worry was going from one dog to two dogs, and how with two kids, one 3.5yrs and the other 17mths, that I would manage. Most will say that I did not even give it a chance, 3 days and not even the usual’ break-in’ period of 3weeks, but, I do not want Denny to get very attached to us, for me to betray his trust, if I cannot keep up our end of the bargain. Both my husband and, in particular I, feel awful for not keeping our hope and word to give this great dog his forever home.
    I must stress that we have a courtyard only and all our exercise is done on the beaches, parks and canal which we are nestled between. However, while only on the small side of a medium size(17inches shoulder to paw height), when walking, gorgeous Denny has the pull strength of the incredible hulk. Not his fault, but when I so stupidly tied him to the handle to sort out our other dogs lead he pulled over buggy with baby in it and I was right beside him. This has put me in a very terrible position, as I need to get out to tire him out, but cannot get out, until my husband gets home from work because he is too strong for me on my own, while with my other boys. With one small boy on bike/scooter and baby in buggy and our other dog, 8yr old Max who is way past the mad pulling stage. I know that this will change but not for about 12/18mths I expect.
    If, if if? If my boys were older and at school I could focus all my attention on channelling Denny’s puppy energy, but until my boys geta bit older I need to be able to make sure that they don’t get into danger either.
    I cannot say enough good things about Denny.
    Firstly, he is super affectionate with us and brilliant with the kids, even when the 17mth old dived onto him while he was sleeping in his own dogbed (tried to stop him but was too late).
    Secondly, he is brilliant with other older dog Max.
    Thirdly, he is so anxious to please, learn and take direction. His collie genes make him clever and quick to learn as on his first day here, he wee’d in our courtyard despite unfamiliar people and surroundings. After only 3days of arriving he bounded through the dog door to go to the bathroom outside (bear in mind he was only neutered 5days ago, so still tender and just getting back full feeling & control there).
    Fourthly, sleeps in his own bed, eventhough we did bring this upstairs into our bedroom at night, as we didn’t want to leave him on his own, as our other dog has been sleeping on the end of our bed for 8yrs.
    Fifthly, he does what a normal puppy does and loves human interaction, his toys, rubber bones, rubber balls, tennis balls, teddy bears and has shown great interest and even skill with small footballs. Also, something completely aside is his silky soft fur which can only be appreciated when you run your fingers through it.

    Finally, our hearts ache and I feel like a failure for breaking promises but honoured to get to spend time cuddling, kissing and playing with this little fella. Still committed to rescuing, but know that I need my little humans to be a bit bigger before I can save another forever. Sincere apologies to Marie, Mark for letting you down, but mostly to Denny who is a dear little creature full of life and unconditional love disguised as a dog.


    very sorry to hear this..was very fond of Denny when he was in the pound. I just know he will find his true forever home very soon. Hope he is not too traumatised by this. ..the poor pet!. I guess he is back in foster again ?


    Hi Martinmac, Denny is still with me. He is still getting on well, but still strong as an ox, his strength must be in his back legs. My little boy went to playschool this morning, so I took the chance to head to the canal section with high railings. He jumped into the canal about an hour ago, but I think he has decided against swimming as a hobby. Saw some horses and cyclists and really tried/wanted to chase them. Getting better at recall!
    Please consider me as another foster experience for Denny.He is cuddled, played with, has a warm bed, toys and good food. Great dog, just my little humans are too young for me to ensure safety of Denny and them, when we are out. My fault, for jumping the gun.


    Well Denny is back in foster with us since Saturday. We spent that day with nieces and nephews who he was absolutely brillant with. Five dogs around him for the day and not one bark or growl, he’s a great little guy :) He was at the Fun Day yesterday and had a great time! Was absolutely wrecked when he came home :) He collapsed on the sitting room floor, didn’t even make it to his bed, for near two hours without moving :lol: The other dogs weren’t sure what was wrong with him! Hopefully they can come along to the next day!



    I can’t say enough good things about this little guy. He is just so loving and loyal. He is nervous with adults initially but once he trusts you he’ll be your best friend and when around kids any nerves just seem to disappear :) He spent the weekend with my niece who is 22 months and my nephew and just loved following them around everywhere they went :) If I could keep this little baby I definitely would, he’s a little gem!
    He needs someone who will love him and put lots of time into him. He has plenty of energy so will need exercise and his lead training definitely needs work but should be easy enough to train as all he wants to do is please.
    I have met a few people who expected him to be much bigger from previous photos but he is only small! Hopefully these new photos will show his size a bit better ;)


    such a cutie..I see she is reserved here? is this true? would be so happy if she was as know the last family did not work out for her. A little pet she is and it was great to see her at the fun day!
    anyone would be very lucky to get this baby..fingers crossed for her!


    Denny has gone to his forever home. I am so happy for this little guy as he really deserves his new home. I was so sad to see him go on Saturday but I know he is with a lovely family. Good luck to the Barry family! I know Denny will be so loved and cared for :D


    ah hope you are not too have had him a long time now! am so happy to hear that he has found a loving home at last!. At least you stil have Jamie for is this girl?

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