Denny – Collie x Retreiver Pup

Denny – Collie x Retreiver Pup

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    Denny is a 6 month old Collie x Retreiver, only a baby still…..


    Denny is in the Pound – he is approx. 7 months old and a sweet little dog. I know foster homes are like gold dust but is there any possibility of a warm foster home for this little chap? If you can help Denny please contact Gwen (gkd). Many thanks.


    Is there anyone who can please foster Denny? He has been in for 5 days now…. and will be left alone for 21 hours over the weekend. If you can help please post here.


    Denny is still in the pound….. can anyone please please come forward to help him out?? He will need foster for approx 3-4 weeks.. could be less, could be more. He’s only a puppy. :(


    what a special girl this is. Have just had her out for good half hour and she is just gorgeous..loves hugs and just likes to cuddle up close. There was a family who arrived who were interested but as she is a puppy she cant be homed from there. She did not want to go back in when it came to lunchtime..I wanted to take her there and then..a real beauty this one.Please can anyone foster her to get her out of the pound..


    Does someone know, how she is with other dogs, especially older ones? Many Thanks :-)


    Maybe not an ideal situation, but if we could somehow sort transport out for her and Lesley the husky cross, she could come here, would be staying in the kennels, but playing with other pups around the same age during the day. As I say, kennels aren’t ideal I know, but she’d be safe, get lots of love and attention and doggie friends.

    I am going to Donegal on Sunday to do a scootering demo, so can’t drive to Dublin this weekend I’m afraid, but could come as far as Longford tomorrow if needed.


    I’m so surprised poor Denny is still in the pound… what a beauty !!! Really reminds me of Benny & Jess.. 2 of my foster puppies from Galway !!!


    is poor Denny still in the pound? hope this girl gets out soon..


    this girl really needs out to foster as she does not have a chance in the pound as she cannot be homed from here and is out the back so she doesnt even have chance to get a walk from the public unless one asks. Is there any way she can be fostered? she is lovely and I know would be loved by many a family..give her a chance…she is too young to be in the pound!!


    Hi :-) I thought there was someone to foster her? If that’s not the case, I could take her, but as we don’t have a car at the moment, someone would need to bring her (Leopardstown) My other foster dog has still a bit of a dry cough, but she shouldn’t be infectious anymore, and if Denny is healthy it should be OK.


    great day for Denny..he went to foster today..thanks Mark and keep us updated..a real pet! she is a he!!


    Brilliant news for Denny! :)


    Denny home about 2 hours and already settling in :) Dandy gave him the guided tour of our house and wouldn’t leave him alone God love poor Denny :roll: He’s had a bath and a warm meal and is now settling in for the evening :) with a rest from Dandy who is fast asleep after exhausting day :lol: He was a little nervous for the first half hour but seems good now, even allowing me to brush him after his bath except for his behind and tail! Post some pictures soon.


    I’m so delighted Denny has got a nice warm foster home at last :D

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