Daisy did not like the walking in the snow. So she hitched a ride with my son….
These two are getting on great..It’s like they’ve always been here….
Best little pup’s ever….. SAM_7338.JPG
Awwww, they are absolutely lovely! As with all of the DID charges on these pages, well done for giving this little one such a lovely home! What a fantastic job! May you all have many happy doggy years together!
Daisy, you are a little princess but you are quite right. Daisies only come out when the sun shines, you stay tucked up with that nice baby as a heat source. Lovely to see the girls, even if they are attacking that poor snow man
Well just thougth I’d give a little update on the girls..They are getting so big..well not big…but they are about 3 times the size they were when they came to live with us….
My son is absolutely crazy about them and they love him to bits….
They are practically house trained and they have started to go out every nite for their walks…
Althought Daisy is not a big fan..She is very nervous outside.. But we’re working on it…Lots of praise and reassurance…
they absolutely love running around the back garden and we can’t get them in once they’re out…. SAM_7450.JPG SAM_7452.JPG SAM_7460.JPG