Dasher – Yorkie

Dasher – Yorkie

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dasher – Yorkie

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    Well poor Dasher was Santa’s Little Helper who was left behind…..

    Dasher was found tied up to the pound gate on Christmas morning, shivering and scared he bolted off as the lead wasn’t tied properly onto the gate. Me, Kaydoyle and Nikki tried to catch him but failed as he was too afraid and didn’t trust anyone. (Who could blame him??)
    So we left bedding and food at the pound gates hoping he would return.

    St. Stephens Day at 8.45am we drove up to the pound gates in anticipation, hoping out little friend had returned. Low and behold little Dasher was curled up, shaking like a leaf at the pound gates. Again he tried to "dash" off the minute he saw us but thanks to a trusty fishing net we were able to catch him just in time before he ran out onto the main road. He shaked and cried in my arms, scared of what might happen next. He was already let down by his owner, god knows what was going through his head. Just shows how loyal dogs are, he kept returning to the pound gates waiting for them to come back for him. :cry:

    So yesterday he came home with me, he was matted, smelly and worn out. So Frightened. It took half an hour to get him into the bath, we were having a great chat in the toilet to try and calm him down, if anyone heard us.
    Anyway he’s all dolled up now, looks great. He’s about 3 years old, fine with other dogs and pulls a little bit on the lead. He is housetrained and will be neutered ASAP ! ;)



    Treat Time:


    Well done Kim, Kay and Nikki.

    I doubt if you, the former "owner" of this little chap would browse this site but if by chance you do – know this. You have my pity because you are morally and spiritully bereft. The very least you could have done was drive the extra 100 yards to the Pound in daylight and surrendered your dog so he would not have experienced such fear and anxiety – he came back to the Pound because he was waiting for you, his "owner" – such loyalty you don’t deserve.


    What a heartbreaking story the poor guy expecting his family to return, my heart breaks for him. Thank god his guardian angels where there for him – you three


    What a fantastic transformation, the love you have given Dasher has changed him into a very handsome little man. Thanks for showing him so much kindness. I’d say there will be a lot of people who will fall for him.


    that is so sad that he returned to the pound looking for his owners. im glad you guys caught him and hes being looked after, he looks great now poor thing.


    aww the transformation is amazing, he looks so handsome now :D Really hoping this baby gets the forever home he deserves after all he has been through.


    oh wow kim my god he scrubbed up well fair play to you all he iws lovely!!! the poor little fella deserves such a happy new year with a new home and family!!!


    Wow he is a little beasuty. I have a Yorkie at the moment, my first foster who is soon to be adopted. I am in the process of registering here with Gwen, we had technical difficulties but would be interested in fostering him if needed. My dads wife unfortunately lost her father last year and when she heard all about Dollie our yorkie, she was hoping she might suit her mother, but the kids and Dollie have become very attached to each other so I couldnt seperate them.

    If he is anything like Dollie he would be perfect for her, we have decided to keep an eye out for a foster dog for her as then we can judge if the dog is calm enough before we introduce them.


    Dasher is getting on FANTASTIC in his new home, he has a beagle girlfriend and is adored by all. :D The happy ending he most definatly deserves! 8-)


    oh such a lovely happy ending for the little fellow he really did deserve it, fair play to you Kim for working your magic with him!!! ;)


    Dasher Now!!! :D


    Ah look at the wee chap, doesnt he look so happy, its lovely to see him doing so well. Well done !!!

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