New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings DARBY TERRIER X PUP

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    is this little cutie still available?


    Yes as far as I know she is not reserved for anyone :)


    Poor Darby has been very sick since Wednesday :( She wasnt eating or drinking and just lay in her crate,which is not like her at all.I brought her to my vet on Thurs as she had been vomiting and I was very worried about her.She got an injection and some tablets and I have had to syringe water into her every few hours.I have tried everything to get her to eat and my last resort was a jar of babyfood which she eventually ate.Today she is back to herself and was starving this morning,so far she has eaten all her food and she is back to running around with her Teddy in her mouth.I brought her down to play with Marley again and she had a great time with her,even though Marley tried to empty her out of her bed every time Darby got in it :lol:


    Darby has gone to her new home with 4 little girls who are going to love her :D Good luck Little minx :) missing you already… :mrgreen:

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