Dante – Cocker Spaniel – RESERVED

Dante – Cocker Spaniel – RESERVED

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    Name: Dante

    Reference Number: 214

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Blanchardstown

    Date Out: 2nd March 2010

    This fella is only 5 months old so needs urgent foster.


    this fella is so sweet,really needs to get out of the pound so he doesnt get sick.if anyone can foster him please contact cathy.


    Hi my parents would be interested in this fella they have had their HV approved. he is gorgeous


    This little man has foster space but he needs a lift from the pound to Newtownmount Kennedy in Wicklow (near Greystones). If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    This sorted now thanks to Jenni for doing the transport and Sophie for taking him into foster :D


    we loved having this guy with us for the day today. he’s adorable! bigger than I thought he’d be. so affectionate and was really good in the car. can’t wait to read his updates!


    Contact SuziWalsh/Kaydoyle if you are interested in adopting Dante



    Hi, guys, my name is sophie i’m fostering Dante. he is doing great. Yes he is with children at the mo, my kids are 3 and 5 but they have rules when it comes to new dogs he may be better with older children, he has the sweetest nature but he does steal things, socks, toys etc. he is getting much better at letting me have them back now tho, it took forever the first time. I wouldn’t let a child do it, you have to be very firm but not harsh as he knows and you’d lose his trust,otherwise you end up chasing round the house.

    He loves his walks, he is going out twice a day for at least 40mins each time. very happy chappy, tail always wagging, loves to do the school run with me, loves my kids and my dog even tho he’s grumpy with him. Think he needs an active family if he is to behave. Is fully housetrained and has learned to sit and does so automatically for food and to come in from garden. He’s a little clingy, he is my shadow and whines when he can’t get to me, although he learns very quickly, he now sleeps down stairs on his own without crying at night. very vocal as well , at the mo he is ‘talking to me’ for me to play with him. No food aggression, he eats with my dog no probs.
    If i think of anything else i’ll post it. On a whole he is lively and happy just needs someone firm who doesn’t give in to those gorgeous eyes.


    Since he has been with me, he’s had a bath, been de flead, wormed, had his matts cut out and a good brush. He loved the bath, crying to get in !!!! loves water, out on walks he’d be right in any puddle or ditch. O and he’s on James Wellbeloved dry food with some fresh meat nd veg for taste, he loves it and looks much better for it. Such a beautiful guy.


    That sounds great, a funny thing, he sometimes falls asleep stood up!!! he just loves to be in the action, can’t bare to miss out. I’m not sure about cats, he just gets very excited and vocal with them, the cats near us all bolt so can’t really test him.

    went for an hour and a half walk in the woods yesterday morning and he still came home and played in the garden with me and the kids and then went for another walk later on, i got a lie in this morning tho!!


    Hi guys, can’t believe no one else has wanted info on dante, he is such a sweety, great with my kids loves playing with them.So cuddly too, loves to curl up with you. If you want any info don’t hesitate to contact us.


    Hi, I only submitted my application form last week, but would be very keen on Dante. I have 3 kids aged 9,7 and 4 and a cat. How do you think he’d get on? Many thanks, leslie


    Hi everyone,

    We took Dante to Brittas Bay today, thoroughly enjoyed himself, could hardly get him out of the water, within first 5 mins he was drenched!!!
    He went with my mums 5month old Harlequin Great dane, best friends!! He loves to meet new people and dogs


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