Dancer – Border Collie *Reserved*

Dancer – Border Collie *Reserved*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dancer – Border Collie *Reserved*

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    am so delighted for Dancer..knew she was special even back in her pound days! hope you are not too sad..must be so hard to let them go. Big hugs and kisses to such a special dog..


    So glad for this beautiful girl! :) She was in for much too long !! :
    Ah it is very sad giving a foster dog/pup up! we have only had one foster puppy gone so far and that was absolutely heartbreaking! :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Over the moon for this beautiful girl. Thank you foster family for looking after her. Im sure you will really miss her as she sounded a real little character. I will look out for updates on her.

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