Dancer – Border Collie *Reserved*

Dancer – Border Collie *Reserved*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Dancer – Border Collie *Reserved*

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    Well the beautiful Dancer is settling slowly.She had server diarhea when she came outta the pound but a few days chichen and rice and we’ve sorted that out… She still has a couple of issues but im putting it down to hormones!!! :lol: Im hoping she is just tempermental as she is in heat and feeling a little off. Im watching her closely. She is quit food aggresive so im working on the this morning after 5 min’s i was able to take the food from her and she just walked away .. But we’ll solve the problem for her… Hopefully she will be a completely different dog once she’s outta heat she’s been through a lot in the last few days. She’s also a little unsure of the kids so im persuming she came from an adults home or just lived out a back one or the other…
    Here are some pic’s of her loving a good brush on sunday!!


    she looks so happy! isnt she just a beauty..I actually thought she responded to the name "beauty" when I had her out for walks in the pound..may have been her name before!! best of luck with her..the poor baby doesnt know whats goin on with her hormones!! thanks are wonderful!


    Hi Catherine. I was wondering how the lovely Dancer is getting on now and if her hormones are settling. How is she with the gorgeous Cleo?


    Dancer is coming on great, hopefully we’ll be able to get her spayed soon. She has come on great with the feeding and now lets me take her from her and lets me rub her while she’s eating.. :) She is well behaved but as she is a border collie needs LOADS of exersice and likes to be challenged. I would recommened a home with older children as she is unsure of younger kids no not to sure what to make of them. :? . She also used to jump but with a firm NO she doesnt jump on us as much but will when other people come into the house which were working on.. :shock: will update with more pic’s soon..


    some pic’s of the lovely Dancer like promised…


    Urgent foster needed for this girl please. She is nervous around young children so would be best suited to an adult only home or with older children. If you can help please text Gwen on 085 8158201 or Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    Dancer has arrived to stay with us for a while this evening! She made a quiet entrance and has been getting to know our boys. She is a very laid back easy going girl! I will update with some more pictures over the next few days :)


    Thanks a million Louisa for taking her. I felt so guilty that i couldnt help her… She just doesnt know what the on earth babies are.. Go1eqd love her. I hope she settles well and thanks once again for talking her…


    Dancer got on great on her first night, she is so easy going she is a calming female influence on my boys! She had a nice brekie this morning and is chilled out now relaxing in the kitchen. She is so well behaved and is showing to be a very clever lady she has learnt great manners from Catherine! :)
    This girl as Catherine said would be perfect for an adult home or a home with older children living in it. She is a wise one even though she is only 14 months old. She is a beautiful girl!


    Here are some pics as updated

    Chilling out

    Kisses with Brandy!

    Whats in there..?!! She is examing the fridge!


    Dancer is fast becoming one of the gang here! She played throw and catch with the ball for over an hour today and after that her and the boys played chasing for another half hour. She is happiest when she is active and running around which is typical for her breed. It was lovely to see her tail wagging and her tongue hanging out!! As a collie she needs a home that can offer her lots of stimulation and action. :)


    Some new snaps of Dancer. She loves the camera!!

    Arent I beautiful!

    My angelic face!

    Its all about me!!

    With two of my foster brothers…


    This lady had her stiches removed last night after her spraying last week. She charmed the pants off all the nurses on the vets and they all thought she was only gorgeous! She is coming along great and is all my three love her. She is a very well behaved and clever dog. She is a little nervous of walking alongside moving cars but we are getting better at that. She is also a little nervous of sudden noises and the wind over the last few days is scaring her a little but I wouldnt blame her for that!! Ill post some more snaps of her over the weekend! :)


    Well Dancer is now settling in very well amongst our 3 boys. She is a beautiful girl who loves to dance she almost wraps her paws around you and she moves around the floor she is better dancing on two paws than I am on my two feet!! She loves to be brushed and she adores cuddles! In the evening when I am making dinner she lies at my feet. She is such a special lady! She loves to play too her favourite game is chasing after tennis balls. She also loves her walks and every evening has a run about the local green with her foster brothers, she loves to chase them! She is a darling dog. She would make an excellent companion dog and she would love lots of walks and playtime too! Ill post some pictures of her dance moves later! :)


    So pleased to hear how well she is doing. She sounds such a lovely girl. How do you keep that black and white checkered floor so clean with all those dogs ha ha?!

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