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    Hi everyone!
    just to let you all know that Cooper has come back into foster and is available for adoption.There is no problem with him his first family had adopted two dogs and in retrospect felt they had taken on too much. This boy is a fantastic family dog, has no problem being used as a live dolly (as tested by my five year old daughter) plays fetch, football and has fantastic manners around people and dogs. I will try post photos soon but his original thread can still be viewed. He loves lots of cuddles too.Completely house trained and fully vaccinated and is neutered and microchipped.He has a small problem with separation anxiety but rest assured I am working on this and will keep you all updated.


    Is this Cooper the Retriever? Or another Cooper?


    What type of dog is Cooper? Can’t find the original entries.


    this is cooper brother of cotton white terrier x well mixed pup sorry no photos yet but hopefully tomorrow.


    Hi everyone,
    Cooper is doing really well here.He is no longer having separation anxiety problems is very relaxed and happy.It seems his anxiety is only when he is in the settling in period other than that he is fine.
    He is a big hit with all the teenagers around my place. He is excellent at recall and loves a good chew on a kong ball. He is excellent on a lead. He is great with young kids and other dogs has no issues. He is a real treat to have around. An ideal family dog so patient and willing to please. We have six children of various ages and he is great with all of them.He loves to be handled the more he gets the happier he is just laps it up with a big contented grin on his face.

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