cookie female boxer cross 8/10weeks old reserved

cookie female boxer cross 8/10weeks old reserved

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings cookie female boxer cross 8/10weeks old reserved

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    cookie is a beautiful tan/honey colour puppy she loves playing, particular tug of war and hang out of my jeans or the kids clothes :lol: but when she is tired she loves being cuddled she loves peoples body heat. this is her first day with us will update in a few days.


    First day and look at the ‘Bling’ colar….haha. Glad to see im not only softie :D good luck wit cookie and look forward to updates!


    yep jo have to have bling for the little girls :lol: well cookie is awake and full of life she had a good run around the garden she was very content the cold never bothared her at all. while i am on computer cookie is trying to chew the straps on my boots and a couple attempts at my computer leads so all eyes on her :lol: she is very pretty with heart breaking cute little looks when she want attention. will update photo’s later hopefully a few outside when we are out for wee breaks :lol: .

    ciara age 4 with cookie


    this little girl is pretty and very cute, my husband has fallen in love with her colour beautiful honey colour with white chest and a little black on her face. she loves shoes but only plays with them no chewing thank god ;) she loves her food eats very well and sleeps very well. when cookie and spiro play it is amazing they play fight silently :lol: we were stunned and delighted :D


    well my little girl is doing great loves going out to garden but only for few mins because she gets cold quickly poor little baby. she slept great last night all the wee and poo on the paper. my dad called over this morning he says they are very good looking puppies my mother will probly ring me soon because he went home and said he wants one so i am in trouble again :lol:
    cookie with her brother after there bath.
    cookie loves the grass


    cookie is a little angel no barking her and her brother are two best pups we have had :D cookie has a slight upset tummy but i think it is the worming which is upseting it. she will be fine we will be watching closely and plenty of loving from me her mammy :lol: p.s her toilet training is going very well hardly any thing to clean up this morning and straight out to garden when she got up :D


    well thankfully cookie is feeling a lot better still off her food, but back to playing with ken my hubby and kids :D spiro was feeling off as well but getting back to normal now thank god :D


    cookie is such a funny little girl if you seen her and my husband playing you would be in knots, they were chasing each other but when ken chased cookie she would hide behind my legs and peek out when ken showed no interest she would charge down the hall at him lick and run back nearly falling over trying to check if ken was after her :lol: so cute i am so in love with her pretty little face my heart will break when cookie and spiro find forever homes. but i do want them to have a forever home they need lots of love and kindness they are not hyper rough puppies.


    well cookies brother has been reserved to a lovely family near me so hopefully it will be cookies turn next because if lady had been allowed to take two i think cookie would have had home as well. cookie is so beautiful my husband says she looks like a girlie girl with her beautiful petite trot and she certainly knows how to melt the mens hearts :lol:


    cookie is such a sweetheart at moment she is climbing a pile in my hallway she thinks it is a mountain and she is a mountain goat :lol:


    sweet little cookie she is finding the house too quiet when ryan cathal ciara are at school and my husband in work only me and tadgh here and her brother spiro ;) she is very cute she uses her front paws to pull herself up on to things and has nearly mastered getting onto the sofa :lol: cookie likes her belly being rubbed and is very happy to sit on our laps and be cuddled :D


    cookie has grown since she came to our house, we have to feed cookie separate from spiro because he growls her off the food. she is still a little bit thin but over the next few days i hope to see a few pounds going on :D a little angel she loves playing loves going into garden during day time to go toilet the only accidents in the house are when we neglect to let her out in time.
    she will make someone a fantastic companion and she is brilliant with my children. she was a little too hyper for my cat yesterday so cassie gave her a slap but good old cookie lets nothing faze her and still tried to lick her :lol:


    Hi we would be interested in adopting cookie and giving her a great home, she looks like a little beaut. Can you let me know how I can go about it ?


    hi, you need to fill out adoption form which is in forms and downloads send this back to suzi, you will find her email in contact us under adopt a pup. once sent it will reviewed and then a home visit will be organised. hope all goes well as she is lovely a cute little baby :D


    Really looking forwards to meeting Cookie on Saturday!!! :D

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