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    Oh wow, I missed this until now.

    Thats fantastic news. So hard to say goodbye to such a special dog, and one thats been part of your family for so long. But well done for being so unselfish and letting her go.

    Best of luck Cleo.


    Best of luck in your new home Cleo :D Well done Catherine & Tom on all the loving care you gave her :mrgreen: Brilliant news. :D


    Was really happy when I saw Cleo in Happy Endings! No more Dog of the month for this beauty :D Congratulations and well done to all involved in getting this lovely girl to her new home :D :D :D


    Well the lovely Cleo is settling really well. She sits watching out the window when her new family go out and is delighted to see them when they get back.. She messes the odd time when she is taking her meds and spit’s one out but its just so she can get an extra slice of cheese… :roll: She loves all her walks along the seaside and gets lovely long daily walks
    She got into trouble for the first time this morning for stealing the little ones breakfast off the table :oops: :oops: (hence why i have a breakfast bar) cheeky madam..
    When she first arrived she got the odd treat and decided she would try and eat there food instead of her own food and turned her nose up to it but when the treats stopped coming she soon decided back to the dog food…. :lol: :lol:

    Cleo is to sleep between the kitchen and the hall but because she can open doors has decided the sofa is much better so when everyone goes to bed she opens the sitting room door and snuggles up on the couch for the night… :lol: :lol: :lol:

    The little girls in her new home bosses her around and she sits happily and takes it all but soon abandones the little one when daddy arrives home as they have become best friends, As he is just mad about Cleo..
    Im delighted Cleo has settled in and loves her new family she hasnt had any fits so will continue to keep my fingers crossed for her…
    Some photo’s to follow really soon ive been promise…


    So very pleased the lovely Cleo is doing so very well in her new home – who could not love her. A very special girl and Im sure you do miss her Catherine and Tom but as you summed it up – you had her all that time for a reason and that reason is her new family were waiting just around the corner. So glad for this girl.


    Well i meet my beautiful Cleo in Cara vets last night when i was collecting Benson……. She looks brilliant very happy in her self and looks a million dollars..
    She was in the vets getting her booster and unfortunatly she has had fits on monday and tuesday night so is now back on a mild dose of her Pheno’s just for 3 weeks to let her settle and then she’s coming back off them.. But apart from that she is great…. :D :D :D :D :D
    It was brilliant seeing her as i was just dying to go and see her but was terrified i would upset her so i was delighted when i bumped into her… She was full of kisses and cuddles for me… I had butterflies and all when i saw her…
    Yippy :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops:


    Ahhhh Cleo. I expect another change in her circumstances could have set her fits off again – shame as she had been doing so well without the phenobarbitone of late. Lets hope she settles on that score but really pleased to hear how well she is looking and doing in her new home.


    Well my beautiful Cleo (who i miss so much) is getting on great. She is still on the pheno’s for the moment but she has not had any more fits.. She is starting her trainning classes in January so that should be fun as anyone who knows her will know sometimes its her was or no way…. :lol: :lol:
    She had a lovely christmas but helped herself to a couple of edible christmas presents from under-neath the tree???? :lol: :lol: (A box of sweets) :roll: :roll: She is so cheeky but thats what everyone loves about her!!!
    Im going to see her when ever the weather clears up and i cant wait. Ill get some pic’s and will put them up then when i get them.


    Beautiful Cleo – so glad you are happy and doing so well. Can’t wait to see some pics of you in your new home!! Loads of love sweetheart.


    Well the lovely cleo is getting on great in her new home is goes to training classes on a monday night with John Ward and is getting on great. Everyone loves her dearly and im going to see her on thursday (i cant wait :D :D )
    She is back on her pheno’s as she has had a couple more fits since christmas but she seams to be fine now that she is back on them….
    I have also got some pic’s of her..

    Loving her wobba that Marie gave her in her going away treat bag!!!

    Down on Dollymount beach!

    Watching Little maria her new best friend / boss……

    Trying to sleep if you don’t mind!!!


    Like i said i was going to, i went to see the beautiful Cleo on thursday night… Oh i was so excited…………… She wasnt to pushed about me being there i think i was much more excited to see her than she was me…:( But soon became my best friend when she realised i brought toys and treats for her.. :roll: :roll:
    She is getting on brilliant everyone loves her and she is soo happy in her new home im just trilled it worked out for her..
    She is still food CRAZY and has had her fair share of stolen goods from the counters or robbed pork chops from the shopping bags as he mammy was bringing in the shopping.. Ha ha ha :lol: :lol:
    I have some pic’s of her on my phone which i will put up tomoro, BUT the best news of all is she is coming to stay for 2 days and i cant wait… There going away for the weekend and the doggie sitter is unable to mind her and they were thinking of kennels but i offered to mind her once they are ok with maybe a slight adjustment period when she goes back home… But i think the fact she wasnt bothered with me being there on thursday and didnt care about me leaving i think she will be just fine..
    So will get loads of pic’s when she is here… :D :D

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