New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cleo GSD X *RESERVED*

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    The lovely Cleo in Equipet minding Myle


    She gets lovelier in every photo I see of her!!


    This girl has to be the easiest foster i have ever had. She is so undemanding once she gets her meds 3 times a day and some grub and a walk see looks for nothing only a comfy spot on the sofa to chill. She is brilliant with the other dogs and the kids but ive noticed if the house is a little mad or loud she potter’s off upstairs and chills in her bed thats in my room where she doesn’t have to liste to every one. SO maybe a house with older children might suit her better but in saying that she isn’t bothered about the kids and loves Emily as she has coped she always has crumbs or or food to share.. She is very good on the lead and her recall is 100% she loves having her little giddy moments and chasing the rest of the dogs after a ball.. but then sleeps for awhile after..
    My back wall is about 4.5 ft high but i also have a raised flower bed which if she was to go on would only make the wall about 2.5 ft high and she hasn’t bothered jumping it not that i think she could as with the medication she has put on a bit of weight, so exercise is most important with her. Does me the world of good to..
    Will update with some pic’s soon..


    The lovely Cleo has been here a few weeks now and has settled well. She is so placid and would make a wonderful family member for anyone..
    She is on 8 Tabs a day for her epilepcy 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening. Touch wood she has had no fits since she arrived.. She gets on brilliant with the other doggies here and has really come outta her shell and even plays with the for a few minutes if she has one of her "mad moments"
    She is brillinat in the car and excellent on the lead.. She also loves the water and i had a pool up yesterday for all the dogs to cool off in and she went a little CRAZY…. So funny so im gonna bring her off to the beach this afternoon..
    Here are some pic’s of her last yesterday playing.

    WOOOO ball quick get it..

    YAAAHHH its in the water… SPLASH

    Again , again , again.

    Drop it…… drop it….. drop it.. "PLease just throw it" !!!


    She really looks as though she is having a great time. Can’t wait to see more of her at the beach! Big hugs to this lovely girlie.


    Well tohe puppy wasnt the only one to have a shot of this cuddle bear someone else decided whhooo new pillow cool…


    Ahh so chilled out just like my Quinni (sorry I know I keep saying this) She is sooo gorgeous.


    Just was wondering if there has been any interest in the lovely Cleo since shes been on "dog of the month". I soo wish I could have her and if my circumstances were different I would be on the ferry from England to get her. However, I lost my job a few months ago and am really sturggling so alas now is not the right time. However she continues to tug at my heart strings and I really wish her well in finding her perfect home as she has been waiting so long now, bless her. Have you got her beach pics yet for us to all see Catherine?


    The beautiful cleo Is still in foster with me and i just dont know how she hasn’t been snapped up.. I really think she has been over looked due to her epilepcy, which is has no affect to her at all once she has her meds. She is here about 10 weeks now and hasn’t had a fit at all.. We are still tring to regulate her meds as they seemed to be a little high as she had her moments that she was a little unsteady on her feet but its just trial and error at the moment just to get them right for her size and weight.. She is such a brilliant girl 100% house trained, non distructive, excellent on the lead a 100% recall She also loves to play football and as you will see below adores the water.. Everything you could need in a dog.. She is so very loyal and has come a little attached to me as we went to the beach today and when i headed over to the dunn’s with my GSD she was standing with Tom and started barking after me and really looking worried as if to say "hay were you going with out me mommy" Tom then let her back off the lead and she came charging to me as if she hadnt seen me in day’s and licked the face off me..
    God love her she has settled so well here and is just the best in the world i really do hope there is the perfect home for the perfect dog out there for her cos her loves attention and just loves to potter round the house after you and chill on you feet while you relax..
    Roisin call’s her the big bear so here are some pic’s of the big bear out running riot on the beach with my 2 dogs today..

    Yippy all this space and a ball all for me..

    Say cheese cleo!! CHEESE

    Ill catch you ya daizy dog!!!


    Lets get the waves there cool!!

    Come on Jessie lets catch the small dog..

    And just a pic of my little mini springer gone a little mad having a swim in the sea. Tom started to worry as he tough im soooo not swimming out after her..

    Now ya see me….

    Can ya still see me now…… Im that dot in the middle of the sea

    Well what about now……….


    Well the beautiful Cleo is still with me.. She is such a darling and has settle here so well (maybe a little to well) Since she has been here were have Changed her meds around a few times to get her on the right dose so far she seems to be right but will know more in August when her bloods are redone.. Cleo will have to have her bloods done every 6 months. She is much more lively now as she takes most of her tabs in the morning and then just one at night .. and she hasnt had a fit here at all.. She does have her moments when the tabs take over and she looks like she is on cloud nine but once i talk to her and distract her she come back to earth but hasnt actually had a fit.. She follows me everywhere and tends to come a lot of time in the car with me.. She loves traveling and i like to keep an close eye on her so it all works out..
    She loves the beach, She runs and jumps over the waves and goes full out swimming she also loves to play hide and seek in the dunns.. Thats me hiding and her finding me which she is brilliant at.. She loves her food and we now have her on light weight food just to see can we control her weight a little as with the meds she tends to put a bit on but between the runs down the beach and watching that she ‘s not robbing food anywhere or the baby isn’t feeding her she’s grand.. :? :?
    She has to be the best dog in the world gets on with other dogs and 100% recall what more would you want..
    I really think people are put off with her condition but in the lenght of time she’s here now with no fits, eats nothing unless she is giving it and its food, will say though if anyone plays football in the house you might need to keep them well up outta the way cos if there plastic balls there Cleo’s even leather ones she picks up and runs with….. Your sure to find she likes football much more than you do.. ;)

    The only thing Cleo can do which im not to sure about is open doors……… Specially at 2 in the morning and you can find her running up and the down the bath thinking its grat fun… I really havent figured out the game but im sure i will one day.. or she has a bit of a fassenation with drinking from the toilet so if you dont keep the lid down she’ll have her head in it.. Like last week when Roisin left her kids toilet seat on the toilet and cleo thought its much nicer drinking from the toilet than a dog bowl and i called her down as i know she was up to no good but with the big INNOCENT face on her pottering back down the stairs i would say i accused her in the wrong ONLY she had Roisins kids seat around her neck slinking off every banasters on the way down…. Cought red handed completly….. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: but once you tell her to stop or just stick a brush handle under the handle of the door ha ha so she cant open it she’s just the best dog in the world…… She’s just to clever..
    Will try get some pic’s of her out playing football when the weather pic’s up a bit..


    You are very good guys to take such good care of her and adjusting her meds and all.

    I met Cleo last week and she is a great dog with vey soft fur and so well behaved! She is the most chilled dog I have met and will be fine in any type of home. She is great with kids and dogs and will adjust to any surroundings.


    So glad to hear how this gorgeous girl is doing. Thats funny that she opens doors as my Quinn opens doors too and I have latched cottage doors not ones with handles so now have had to put little hook and eyes top and bottom of the lounge door so he doesn’t break in there when I’m not around!! Have you and Tom thought about keeping her yourself Catherine as you sound so very fond of her and she seems so settled??!!!!!!


    HA ha ha Debbie…. Yes we have tought many times about keeping her, as she is such a sweetheart.. I am very fond of her but im not to sure if she would be able for our busy life style on a full time bases.. As she does love chill out time normally when im on the move again.. SO i would love to see her go to a home where she would be spoilt rotten and have a life of luxury.. :lol: :lol:


    I see there’s a reserved beside Cleo’s name…that’s great :D


    Oh my goodness is she really reserved? I so hope a lovely home has come forward for her after all this time. Fingers crossed for you sweetheart.

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