New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cleo GSD X *RESERVED*

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    Cleo has been here with us for nearly a week now and has settled in really well. She has a gorgeous face and lovely shiny coat and is very placid and affectionate. She is completely fine on the lead and is housetrained, but can have selective recall and we did have a little bit of squaring up the first night about going to her bed, but now she is fine, you just have to be more tenacious than her!

    She is great with all the kids and the other dogs, although she still doesn’t have that much to do with them really as they go tearing around the place, but she did join in a few rather lively games of fetch. I think she prefers just ligging out in the sunshine as she is a total sun worshipper!

    She is a little overweight so I think she struggles keeping up with the other dogs, but we have got her on the RC light food and with the exercise she is getting I think she will great.

    She can be a real Miss Piggy, we have had to retrieve her out of the bin a few times and she has nicked stuff off the counter and the table, but she is learning fast and I think she really just needs a firm hand! She would eat all the dogs’ food if we let her so we do have to feed her apart from the others.

    As for the epilepsy, we have to give her 5 tablets a day, but as long as you hide them in some food she likes she takes it no problem. I tried it the other day wrapped inside some bread, but she spat it out about 6 times, so gave up and hid it in a small bit of pate! Other than the meds, you wouldn’t know and while we did probably keep a closer eye on her for the first few days we have all relaxed with her now and she is just one of the lads!

    I think Cleo would fit in great with pretty much any family, with or without another dog, she is pretty undemanding as long as she gets her food and plenty of cuddles and is great with kids! Obviously, we have only had her a short time but from what I can see, and what others who have experience of epilepsy have said, as long as she gets her meds, the epilepsy has very little impact on her life at this stage.


    So pleased this beautiful girl is doing well. She is so much like my GSD X Quinn who was in an Irish Pound and came to me in England. He too pinched food a lot off the counter but doesnt anymore. A lovely girl who will make a wonderful addition to a family.


    (edited to change picture, uploaded same one twice :roll: )


    Oops, pressed submit before I had added anything other than pics :?

    Miss Cleo is still doing well, getting a wee bit more active, was running around with the boys for a while today, but I think she is probably just used to being left to her own devices as she soon gave it up, but it is slightly more energetic than she has been!

    Anyway, just a coupla pics to show how lovely this girl is ;)


    Somebody’s been to the butchers …

    Ah, heaven …


    Hope I am not being out of turn, but have cross posted Cleo onto Biggsd so that her thread is re opened. Thanks, Anna Marie


    Cleo has perfect manners when out on walks, she just toddles along and is very easily corrected. She is very placid and affectionate (see pic below) and doesn’t really get involved much in any of the boys’ shenanigans.

    We do still have to watch her with the food, she nicked the mince off the counter last night, but was not at all aggressive when we took it off her and she has stopped routing around in the bin!

    While I think she really would suit any kind of family, she definately needs a secure garden, she jumps over our garden wall (about 5ft high at the lowest) at every opportunity so we can’t let her outside at all without a lead on.

    When inside though, she really is the perfect girl ;)

    Go on, give us a kiss …

    Pootling around the garden …


    We have had a fantastic day with Miss Waggy Tail today, working on the running over the wall thing and all day she has not left my side. Loads of encouragement, a few treats and she has not strayed further than a foot from me, she really is a very fast learner.

    She takes the treats so gently, and no argy bargy in the queue, bless her, great with the kids and the other dogs, an all round perfect lady :P


    My heart thumps everytime I look at this girl Annash cos she is the spitting image of my Quinn although his coat is semi-long and the eyes……well Im sure she must be a relation of my Quinn!! So pleased she is continuing to do well.


    Cleo is now in foster with me and she is just the easiest going dog Ive ever had, as the saying goes… ‘if she was any more laid back she would be horizontal!’
    She is just perfect and would settle into any home.
    Shes brilliant with everything, dogs, cats, kids, people, on the lead, recall, training….
    A fantastic dog, whoever gets to adopt her will be very lucky!

    Cleo ‘HELPS’ with a spot of gardening…..

    And then after all that hard work, spends the evening crashing out!


    Cleo is sorted now she is here in foster with me now and everything sarah said about her is so true.. She is an absolute darling will update with pic’s soon. ;)


    Thanks for taking Cleo into foster.


    well what can i say about her she is a brilliant girl excelent on the lead and so calm and placid in the house i know i have no room to keep her but hay maybe i try convice tom to buy a bigger house instead.. :lol: Just so i can.. She is just the best foster i have ever had and sleeps on the floor of my bedroom as she is just to adorable to leave down stairs with the rest of my mad hooligans. here a couple of pic’s i took of her..


    So pleased she is being fostered by you!! I have watched her post for a long time and just love her. She is the spitting image of my Quinn who came over from Ireland to me here in England and I’ve said this before but am sure they are related. He just has a slightly heavier coat and big fluffy tail though but the eyes and face are identical. Give her a big hug from me.


    Some pic’s of the lovely Cleo..

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