Ciara – springer spaniel puppy *HOMED*

Ciara – springer spaniel puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ciara – springer spaniel puppy *HOMED*

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    Ciara is approx. 6 mts. old. She is wormed, vaccinated, microchipped & neutered. She is typical of her breed and will need an active home.


    This little girl is gone into foster with Amy, thanks a million ;)


    Abi (Ciara) arrived with us on Sunday night, she is absolutely beautiful! Abi was unfortunately not looked after in the short six months of her life so she has a few little problems at the moment…but these problems are not long term and will be fixed in the next few days thanks to a little bit of medicine (which she happily takes with her food :D ).

    Abi has one of those very special personalities where her tail is always wagging & she is prepared to give plenty of love and cuddles even though that is not what she received in the past. She is a real character who demands a lot of attention, cuddles, love, tummy rubs & playtime. She is very very lively & would happily play 24 hours a day if she could! Abi gets on great with our own little puppy, Kenickie, they run riot through the house and outside in the garden together.
    Kenickie wasn’t sure of Abi at first as she has a post surgery bucket on her head at the moment & it makes a lot of noise when she scratches it & bangs into furniture or doors, but they have become great friends now that Kenickie has worked out if he gets onto the sofa he can reach into the bucket to lick her head & that she will always play chase with him!! :D

    Abi was kept outside in the garden with very little contact with people so she frets when you leave the room. The crying, frantic pacing & re-arrangement of furniture only lasts a few minutes but she is visibly very frightened that she might not see you again for a long while. She is getting a lot better though with the separation anxiety and it is something we are going to work with her on a lot.

    Abi is very clever & although she had no basic training at all, since Sunday she has picked up how to sit on command, lie down on a command from sitting position and how to roll over for tummy rubs (which she would happily accept all day long!!).
    Abi was not house trained when she arrived on Sunday night….She is now & a massive thank you must be given to Kenickie (our puppy) for showing her that going outside is best for everyone & for teaching her how to bark at the door if it isn’t open to let us know she needs to go out!!
    Abi was never walked so she is not good on the lead but again it is something we are working with her on a lot & today I noticed a huge difference. I have been walking her around the garden &up and down our road on the lead to help her get used to it.

    So far Abi has been an absolute gem, her huge puppy eyes are very easy to give into when it comes to cuddles and playing fetch with the ball – although she has bags & bags of energy so she would keep playing all day long if she was able to!!

    Here are some pictures of the beautiful Abi. She will be a fabulous addition to her forever home, she truly is a beautiful girl with a wonderful personality.


    Some pictures of Abi & Kenickie together


    Hi Amy and Abi not forgetting little K, thought we, Jess and Debo would come on and have a look at Abi’s page. Jess is fast asleep and I hope Abi has had a nice nap after her morning of fun in the park. :)



    Hi Debbie, Abi & Kenickie were flat out after the run around on Friday morning!

    Abi’s stitches came out yesterday & she walked off the lead around the park this morning…both flaked out on the sofa now :-)

    Hope you & Jess had a lovely weekend. Hope to see you tomorrow :-)



    how is this girly doing now ? she looks so cute…if only i could have her myself :)


    This beauty has stolen the heart of her new forever mum and guess what she has another D.I.D fur kid as her sister Hermonie (one of Hope’s puppies)

    I know you will be ever so happy with your sis and your forever family …..can’t wait to see the pictures and the updates.


    ah thats brilliant :)
    with one of tillys aka hopes puppies as a companion im sure she will be on the go 24\7 :)

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