Ciara – pom cross – RESERVED

Ciara – pom cross – RESERVED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Ciara – pom cross – RESERVED

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    hi ya,i think ciara may be a minature collie!! my sis had 2 of them, and very much like ciara…


    martine i definitely think she’s at least x’d with a collie. she has the colouring for sure. would a miniature collie be that tiny though? her head is only the size of a fist :lol: she’s titchy!!
    she’s still not feelin 100% today and won’t eat for me :( she’s drinking plenty though and really enjoyed her walk this afternoon so she can’t be that bad :)


    well back to normal on the food front this morning which is a big relief. she’s only a tiny little thing so i was very worried about her maybe bein sick or something. she really enjoyed her little walk this morning as we brought along a little buddy for her :) every so often she still sits down as if to say "i’m not going any further unless you carry me" but i give her a couple of seconds and then say ok come on lets go and off we go. she’s really not into long walks at all :lol: her tiny legs can only go so far!!


    looks like little ciara (aka lola!) has kennel cough. she’s still in good form but it’s so hard to hear her cough as she’s so tiny. she loves her medicine though!! have never seen a dog take medicine so willingly. everythin about this little girl is just easy :D
    she really deserves an amazing forever home :)


    She’s a little flyer so it’s really hard to get decent snaps of her unless one of us is holding her!
    She’s still suffering with her cough and is tired from it but is in good form still. She’s a little trouper :D
    My husband brought her out last night on the extendable lead and said she loved it and was running and running and darting all over the place really enjoying it :lol:
    She’s really bonding here so I have everything crossed she’ll get her forever family soon :)


    Fab news that Lola is reserved :D Go Lola!!! :lol:
    Her cough seems a bit less today which is good news. She’s not as tired either which is good. Still lapping up the meds too :lol:
    She’s sleeping at the moment and looks very cute ;)


    well Lola is napping in her crate as i write this. she had a visit from a friend this morning (remember Alfie the shihtzu know known as Simba) and they played for a while after their little walk together. she’s still coughing but it doesn’t seem to be dampening her mood at all :) the cough is a little worse in the evenings and we realised last night that she’s doing it sometimes for attention too .. she’ll win an Oscar yet :lol:
    she’s really improved on the lead too which is great.


    Very little coughing coming from Lola today so fingers crossed we’re nearly at the end of it now .. She’s in fab form and spent all morning with Simba again (there’s a lorra lorra love there :lol: ) and our own two dogs so she’s exhausted now :lol:


    Since Lola’s cough seems to be much better we decided to take her out for a nice long walk this afternoon. She sooooo wasn’t into it :lol: She nearly needed an oxygen tank half way down :lol: She seemed to enjoy the walk home a lot more as she could see the end in sight :lol: She’s fast asleep in bed now!!!


    Lola has found her forever family and is leaving us on Tuesday. So happy for her :D She’s a great little doggy & I know she’s gonna be very happy with her new mums!!


    Lola has just had her vacs and was chipped – thanks to kathy & kim! :D
    She’s all set to leave us tomorrow and I have a feeling she’s gonna be very happy :D
    We’ll get all of our last cuddles tonight ;)


    Lola, furthermore to be known as Lolli (so cute!), went off very happily with her new family this evening. She was full of cuddles for them which was so nice to see :D Have already had one update to say Lolli’s settling in well and is getting to know the cats in the house. So happy for her that she’s finally settled in a loving home :)


    Have had a few text updates from Lolli’s new family and it sounds like she’s getting on brilliantly. Giving the cats a run for their money too :lol: .. Her new owner sounds besotted which is so nice :)

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