Cian – yorkshire terrier – HOMED

Cian – yorkshire terrier – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cian – yorkshire terrier – HOMED

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    Super progress Sabdh delighted for the little man he fell on his paws the day we arrived to your house.

    Give him a little cuddle from me


    The difference really is amazing, hes such a brave little guy. :)

    No problem I’ll give him a cuddle for you audrey
    He definetly wont say no! :D


    As said in previous messages
    cian has completly transformed from what he was when he came into foster care first. :)
    Hes completly comfortable around people- he looks for hugs and pets off everyone who comes anywhere near him! :) He makes you feel really loved and gets really excited when you come to greet him in the morning afternoon and evening-hes full of energy.
    He definetly doesn’t like cats though so its Best that he goes to a cat free home.
    Hes well behaved on his walks. He gets really excited for the first few minutes and will pull slightly on the lead but calms down after a while. He lays down in the grass when hes sees another dog coming his way- he loves interacting with them but finds large dogs intimidating.
    He will stop when called and comes back to jump on your knees every now and then as a thank you or just for some love! :D

    I have attached some pictures of him lying down on the couch beside me and posing on the floor-hes started to really adore getting his picture taken!!

    btw. Im having a lot of trouble getting any smaller pics of him up-even after using using photo editing programmes.
    so the giant ones will have to do for now:/


    More beautiful pics of the little guy :D
    Will have videos of him up a.s.a.p
    cian small 1.jpg


    What a cutie, he loves the camera


    Heres some videos of cian-out on a walk and playing/relaxing with me in the house
    In order to truly see his beauty and charming and lovable personality it’s best to come and pay him a visit-If your geuinely interested :) :)

    The videos are both on youtube and unfortunetly not the best quality due to uploading issues. :x

    Link 1-
    Link 2-
    Link 3-


    Ah you are doing so well with this little man…..delighted his wonderful little personality has come to the forefront…..what a change from his horrific start to life…..Sabdh you are righting all the wrongs done to this little fur kid!


    Looking at Cian’s videos, I see a lot of Brandon’s behaviour in him. We believe poor Brandon had no socialisation at the beginning, he’s now 2. Cian was licking his nose and we found out from DTI that Brandon was doing that to comfort himself. The way Cian sort of heads off on the lead and rarely glances back up at his walker reminds me of Brandon also. We had to train him to make eye contact and reward him for doing so because he was very much the withdrawn dog. It’s frustrating that they both had bad starts because so much work and patience is needed to build the foundations. I think you’ll find that there’s even more of a lovely dog in there learning to come out and show you who he really is. Brandon is the most mannerly of dogs with us, very gentle to take food, considerate on the lead and when he does get to know (trust) people he’s so affectionate (kisses in abundance).

    Well done on getting him out there to see the world and helping him get the coping skills to deal with it all. By getting him a year or more before we got Brandon you can really make a difference and show him the good things in life :) .


    Thank you so much for that message :)
    Your right about everything you said there.
    once cian gets to know people he craves attention. He’ll follow you everywhere giving lots of kissies and hugs.
    He has shown a bit more comfort whilst in the company of new persons but does still need encouragement and reassurance.
    Hes made so much progress considering his complete lack of socialization before D.I.D took him into their care.
    It’ll take a little more time until hes at ease in anyones company
    but I’ve no doubt that he’ll come around considering the super progress hes made in the past few weeks
    Hes a brave little guy.
    I’ll get the camcorder fixed hopefully and put up proper videos of him showing what hes like with people at home and also out in an public place. :)


    Ah you are doing so well with this little man…..delighted his wonderful little personality has come to the forefront…..what a change from his horrific start to life…..Sabdh you are righting all the wrongs done to this little fur kid![/quote:27d53g5d]

    That really means a lot, thank you :)
    if only every dog could have a new chance at life but unfortunetly the world dosn’t work that way :cry: :evil:


    What can i say, he is an incredibly gorgeous loving and fun little guy.
    Hes definitely ready to find his forever home and he deserves it so much!
    Hes completely comfortable with people now, looking for love off every newcomer! Hes finally realized that not all humans are out to hurt him.
    He still walks ahead of you during his walk but its just because he absaloutley adores going on a walk, he gets really excited if you go anywhere near his lead!
    He has started to acknowledge your existence when out and about , looking back a lot to check in and running up and jumping on you to get a pet and a few hugs!

    He doesn’t like being on his own for too long, the minute you get in he follows you all around the house because hes missed you, hes such a cutie. As soon as I leave the house he runs up to the conservatory to see where i’m going!
    It is best that he goes to a home where the owner/s aren’t out for a very longtime during the day.
    hes well behaved, and will stay when you ask him too.
    More pictures shall be posted soon. :)


    now when out on his walks he looks back at me and walks beside me when he feels like it , he stops every now and then jumps on on me to say hello! Then carrys on ahead on the lead. He really appreciates the being brought out on a walk,theres nothing he loves more! except for constant human affection of course.
    Hes found a teddy bear that he likes to play with which is a surprise as he disliked every other toy we gave him. Hes a playful lil chap! but always plays gently.
    He is toilet trained, not once has he gone to the toilet inside the house, and when out on walks hes very discreet about where he goes.
    Its better to be slightly cautious when he meets larger dogs out on a walk as on occasions he does get a little growly but Is fine with small-medium dogs and loves saying hello and giving them a sniff!

    At the moment I’m being careful about not letting him off his lead , in the park or on the seafront as he doesn’t have much road sense!
    Hes a beautiful little guy and is well behaved, he definitely doesn’t like cats though and will chase them away and is quite eager to do so, but thats just part of his nature.

    Hes doing so so well and anybody would fall in love with him within minutes. He is 4 years old but acts like a cute litle puppy, hes full Of energy and absaloutley adores cuddling up to anyone who is willing to let him! :D :)


    New pics and video :)🙂


    Look at those clever little beady eyes, I really can understand how people end up with a troupe of these clever little dogs , great size small wear and tear on the house and buckets of personality.


    haha those beady eyes gets him loads of cuddles even when he jumps on your lap and causes you to spill your tea on yourself :P

    Finally a video of him, its bad quality again But only lasts about a minute so please watch :) Its incredibly adorable and shows him begging for cuddles ,desperately trying to get a persons attention :)

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