Checker aka Chuck!

Checker aka Chuck!

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Checker aka Chuck!

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    Hello to everyone! We have adopted Checker (now named Chuck, like his brother :D ) from the Ashton dog pound about two months ago. At the start it was a bit tough because Chuck didn’t really want to listen to us. We couldn’t let him off the leash because he’d just run away and then our neighbours had to bring him back to us saying that he was running around the highway! Thanks to God that nothing happened to him. He also pooped and peed in the kitchen at nights for about a week or two. We tought that he wouldn’t learn to stop , but he did. Then we allowed him upstairs for the night and he never peed or pooped in the house again! I think he is just afraid of the darkness. Now he is a totally changed dog! We let him off the leash and it takes only one word for us to say and he’s back beside us! He is not that mad about other dogs now (he used to always run up to every dog and if he liked them he’d just follow them all the time and we ended up chasing after him!). He still goes up to every dog, sniffs them, and comes back. He is really friendly towards all people and other dogs. Keeps the cats away from our house ;) ! Chuck loves long walks on the beach and in the park. He is brilliant at home. Stays locked in the house when we’re at work and school and NEVER bit on anything nor did he pee or poo! He usually walks around the whole house (we only lock the livingroom doors and the doors to our bedrooms because he loves sleeping in our beds!!). His favourite place to sleep in on the top of the stairs because then he has a good view of the doors and if he sees someone approaching it he goes crazy! Always barks when the postman brings the letters for us! Chuck is crazy about eating. He’ll eat anything, so we always have to hide all the food from him! He get’s fed twice a day, but always SO hungry! We have to watch his diet because he’s getting a liitle fat :mrgreen: ! Well, I don’t know what else to say about him, he is just the perfect dog for us and so well behaved! Agnes.
    Here’s some photograph’s of Chuck!

    (It’s a polish website but just copy and paste it and there’s a lot of photos of Chuck! Click on a photograph to enlarge it.)

    P.S. Went to the vet. with Chuck yesterday to get his 2nd vaccination done and also he has an ear infection so we got a special cream for it from the vet. I have also noticed a little lump on Chuck’s left paw and was horrified because it is getting quite big. The vet told me that he propably had some sort of accident some time ago and now his body is propably reacting to it. She gave me this medicine for it for two weeks and if the lump doesn’t get any smaller, he is going to have an operation. I’m just praying that the medicine helps him!


    Aw he looks absolutely fabulous, Agnes, you’re obviously giving him loads of TLC and it’s going down a treat :D Thank you so much for giving him a chance. Sounds like he’s really made himself at home – the photos are great. This is a really great ending to a very long and sad beginning for Chuck and his brother Chuck!! Let’s hope the other Chuck is doing as well :D


    Thank you so much for giving the lovely Chuck ( Checker)
    a new start in life. Very happy reading your message.


    Agnes you are wonderful for adopting Chuck :D He was there so long and overlooked so many times.Thank you for giving him a chance and I would say he thinks he is in heaven now. :D


    I was hoping whoever adopted this chap would update – so please that you have! :D

    Great to hear he is getting on well nd that he has settled into such good home, well done!


    I am delighted to hear that this dog has found his own home. He was overlooked for so long. I hope you will both be very happy together. Well done on choosing this dog – he always sounded great.

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