Charlie – 12 yr old Pom*HOMED*

Charlie – 12 yr old Pom*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Charlie – 12 yr old Pom*HOMED*

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    Charlie has been with us for three days now and has settled in well. He is eating all his meals, and enjoys his walks around the estate, and in Marley Park. He is not in the lest bit bothered by my sister’s dog Roo who is visiting us until next weekend (Roo however is a bit jealous!). During the day, he takes little snoozes on his bed in the kitchen – but for night time he has decided he prefers the carpet in our bedroom (!), which is fine with us as he is so quiet. We are delighted to have him with us – thank you so much to DID and his great foster family Justine and John.
    Charlie in the garden.jpg
    Peter & Charlie.jpg


    Wow he looks so happy and content in the pictures! Thanks do much for the update :-)


    Thank you for the update and great photos – great to see Charlie so settled.


    Myself and John couldn’t wait to see the update on Charlie in Happy Endings! He looks so content and relaxed in the photographs. Seems like Charlie realises already that he has come home. Charlie is such a loveable dog – he deserves the very best in life; and I think that is what he has got, the best possible home. I know you will all be very happy together.


    Charlie continues to settle in well with us, and we see more of his personality coming through every day. He has found his favorite spot on the couch – I also got him a nice new bed for the kitchen which he for uses during the day, he accepted it once it got properly lined with a hand crochet blanket (!!). He is a very easy dog to have around – I find that I can take him almost anywhere. He enjoys outings in the car, and visits to other family members – and he loves his walks in Marley and the local area. Charlie is a great addition to our family, and we really love having him with us. I attach a few pictures of the little man here.
    Chewing a treat in his new bed.jpg
    his favorite spot on the couch.jpg
    taking the sun in the garden.jpg


    Great pictures he looks so happy. Thank you :D


    Delighted to see you are enjoying your new life Charlie :D you are one very handsome little man ;) Thanks a million for the update :D


    Charlie looks so well looked after in his little basket and crochet blanket! He is looking delighted with himself.


    Charlie has really settled in with us now – and it is great to have him around. We have registered him with our local vet, and last week we took him to the groomers – both vet and groomer confirmed that he really is in great shape for a 12 year old, so we look forward to many happy years with him. I attach another couple of shots of him – one on the way back from the groomer – and the other when he decided to help me out with my knitting!
    ‘s Park after his visit to the groomers.jpg
    Charlie tries his hand at knitting.jpg


    :o Well Sir Charlie look at you I think you look younger with your new hair cut :D Thanks a million for the update :)


    We were out for a walk in Marley park this evening and met this absolutely gorgeous man I recognised him straight away :lol: he is looking beautiful and loving his life very chilled it was great to see him he is 13 years young now and still doesn’t look his age :D :D

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