Charlie – 12 week old Lab x Boxer – HOMED

Charlie – 12 week old Lab x Boxer – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Charlie – 12 week old Lab x Boxer – HOMED

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    This fab little man is gone into foster with Siobhan, who will update soon ;)


    He’s such a gorgeous looking boy. What an amazing glossy coat. Here’s hoping it won’t be long before he finds his forever home ;)


    Wow!!! Stunner!!! He’s going to be snapped up :)


    Thanks for you comments guys. Yes he is gorgeous. His coat is like silk and his eyes are stunning. He has settled in well and gets on really well with the two dogs. His toilet training is coming along nicely. He does his business every time he is let out and at night will do it on the newspapers – really clever boy. He LOVES his food. He is a bit on the thin side but we are working on plumping him up. He has already learned to sit and give the paw – thanks to Juliette and Elizabeth. No issues at night time either. No problems with you touching his food while he is eating or his toys. He is a real snuggler though. He was on my lap last night having a snuggle and next thing he was fast asleep with his head flopped over my arm. It was a real Kodak moment. He was vaxed and chipped last night too and not a peep. Such a brave little man. He has a lovely personality and adores the two boys. The jury is out on how he feels about the cat. But it’s early days yet. Will post up more photos in the next few days.
    If you are interested in adopting Charlie please go to Forms and Downloads and submit an Adoption application.


    he is stunning ! hopefully he wont be long looking for a new home :)


    This little guy is being looked after by my friend Juliette for while as I am away with work.

    He is coming on great. Sleeps in the crate all night and not a peep. Loves to wrestle with her dog (also called Charlie) all day long and to play with his toys. He is getting a lot taller so he will be at least medium size when he is fully grown. Is quite good on the lead and has no problem keeping up with the other dogs. Has taken to jumping up on the couch for a cuddle. He is a real snuggler. Toilet training is coming on. Still has the odd accident in the house but will do his business immediately he is let out. Juliette has taught him to sit and stay and is working on teaching him to lie down.

    I think that Charlie would be best suited to a home with another dog as he really loves canine company.Or a home where there will be someone there all day. He has a fantastic personality and gets on great with people, dogs and children. Will post some up to date photos later in the week.

    If you think you can offer Charlie his forever home please complete an adoption application form, have a Home Visit done and come and meet him…..


    Charlie is 19 weeks old now and is doing great. He has grown quite a bit and I reckon he will be about Labrador size when fully grown. He loves his walks and gives no problem on the lead. He is also good off lead and has great recall. Loves to play with his toys and other dogs. He still loves his cuddles and is very gentle when playing with my two boys (aged 12 and 9) and is very obedient for them. Is great at giving kisses. He eats well and has no food agression at all. His coat is so soft and glossy. I wish I could get my hair to look that good !!!. He will sit and stay on command, give the paw and lie down. He will make a great addition to any family.


    Charlie is doing really well. His toilet training is still going great – he has not had an accident in the house in over 3 weeks. Enjoys his walks, is really good off lead and his recall is excellent. Still loves everyone, he is a really sociable little man. He can play and play all day and will still want to play some more. He is a fairly active puppy and will need a home where he will receive daily exercise. Have attached some more photos of him with my boys.


    Charlie enjoyed a LONG walk on the beach today with my other two. Don’t worry though he had no problem keeping up with them at all :lol: He runs like the clappers, and loves meeting other dogs on the beach. So after the walk we gave him a good scrubbing!!! He is such a pet to wash, no hassle at all. He doesn’t look to happy when i got the camera out though :D


    Charlie is doing fantastic. He has really wonderful personality. He loves everyone and is quite gentle when playing with my two boys. He sits and waits till he is told to eat his food and is getting better at taking food from the hand.
    We were relaxing in front of the fire last week watching a movie and he spent ages trying to get up on a lap for a snuggle. He then decided to wrestle with Luna until she barked at him to give it up. She loves nothing more than to lie in front of the fire. He eventually did likewise.


    A few more photos.


    My little man was neutered yesterday. He was not impressed at being taken out in the car so early and with NO breakfast. All went well and he was still a bit drowsy when we collected him. Slept all the way home. After checking things hadn’t changed in his absence – that all his toys were still there and everything smelt the same – he went into his bed and had a snooze. Had a dinner of chicken and rice which he scoffed and then of course it was back to bed for a snooze. He does not have a cone and is very good at not licking the stiches. Gave him another little snack before bed, he did his business out the back and came straight in and went to bed. Completely back to normal today. Hard to believe how quickly they bounce back.
    This little guy is incredible. He is so affectionate and gentle. He loves to be close to me. If I am at the sink he squeezes in front of my legs and lies across my feet. The same when I am at the cooker.
    There will be tears when he goes to his forever home. :(


    This beautiful boy has (finally!) met his forever family!!!

    He headed off to Galways today with his fantastic family and he will be hanging out around 2 former Dogs In Distress doggies Baxter and Wendy. A total Happy Ending he deserves :D :D


    Absolutely delighted for Charlie.. He will have a great life with his owners. They are lovely people, and he will be so loved… Hope his fosterer is ok, I know how hard it is to say goodbye but i can assure you Charlie will be loved to bits…


    From Charlies family:
    Charlie has now been named Jasper (after much chopping and changing!) but it suits him nicely.
    He is absolutely wonderful, we are totally in love with him. He has totally slotted in with the family and gets on with Baxter and the rest like a house on fire!!

    Cant wait for a photo :D

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