Cassie the snow angel!!!!!!

Cassie the snow angel!!!!!!

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cassie the snow angel!!!!!!

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    happy new year to all at D.I.D!
    just thought id let you know how Cassies first christmas went.
    we found out she loves ham but turkey gives her wind (phewy!!!)
    she loves the snow and has Bailey worn out :lol:
    she does not like remote control cars or fire works :D
    so i just thought id post snow photos and say thanks again for Cassie.
    she is amazing and its been a great 5 months

    its impossible to tire her out!

    waitin on Bailey to catch her

    such a regal lil girl :D

    Bailey loves to eat the snow :roll:

    Cassie decides to join him

    and this is how she ends up my lil snow angel :lol: :lol:


    Wow — she looks amazing :D :D :D

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