Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

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    Guess what I did? I barked and barked at a hot air balloon that floated over my house. I kept barking until it disappeared behind some trees. How brave was I? :P


    One training class has stopped until September and another training club has trick training which started a couple of weeks ago. We can attend any 4 weeks out of 6. Last Monday the other 3 dogs were all new and Jet was used as the demonstration dog. Showing the other handlers how to build up a sequence of moves leading up to a trick. Picking up a hanky on this occasion also starting to ‘find the key’s’. Jet loves the clicker because it means food :P She is a very smart dog, picks things up very quickly. Nellie is still miles ahead on the tricks but she has been doing tricks for a lot longer and continues to fling herself into everything 100%. :D


    Jet was at the vet this morning, it was time for her booster. Still a bit scared so she and the vet were on the floor while he checked her over. Seeing the vet on his knees trying to palpate her abdomen and Jet trying to be as small as possible :oops: . Clean bill of health apart from her dry coat. Took a routine blood sample so have to call later today for results. She is doing well with her training. I am very pleased with her, she has fitted in very well at home. Has not put a foot wrong since she arrived. She now barks at me when I get into bed, I choose to think she is saying good night :lol:


    I think it may be good night and thanks for rescuing me and saving my life and giving me the best one ever!!!!!!

    She’s a lucky little lady


    Well, it’s one year ago today since Jet (Cassie/Sorcha) landed home in Scotland and here is a list of her good/bad/general points.

    The good:

    Great in the car
    Very affectionate, will now speak to most people without crouching
    Gets along with other dogs
    Very clever (training going well)
    Eats like a horse
    Sleeps in her own bed every night
    Limited barking
    Always comes back when called
    Didn’t join the terriers when they found a cat in the garden and tried to kill it!
    Lets me brush her coat, even her tail but it takes ages, still a work in progress

    The bad:

    Will steal food given the opportunity (always our fault for leaving food where she can get it – we are learning)


    Blood result. Kidney result high side of normal so will be monitored e.g. blood sample every six months. No change to diet and not showing any symptoms
    Coat improving and gets Advocate put on once a month (she did have mites, got that information last February and has been treated since)

    So I would consider that a ‘pass’ for her first report.


    Great report ;)


    The creature took Nellie and I to the GSD rescue (Scotland) fund-raising show today. We entered various competitions and I WON the dog the judge wants to take home competition :D Got a big bag of goodies and a lovely red rossette. I believe the computer is currently broken so no images as yet but there will be. I was very pleased with myself and the creature was ‘off the scale’ happy. Later in the day I managed to grab a roll out of a box, got one half of the roll and some tissue paper eaten before the rest got removed. I can’t help it, I have been starving in the past and if I see food I just have to take it. Nellie was greatly admired by a couple who had a six month old Patterdale puppy. The creature tells Nellie all the time that she is the best Patterale dog in the world but she also tells me that I am the best Collie cross in the world and also tells Dudley that he is the best Border Terrier in the world. I think that means we are the best dogs in the world :? Well, in the creature’s world ;)


    Great news 8-)


    My training is going pretty well – most of the time :? I can lie down very quickly, even when the other people tell their dogs to lie down :P I did a quick look around myself as though flies were buzzing around me but I actually thought the creature had flung me a treat. Can twirl and twist, walk on a loose lead, sit and walk to heel. I return when called, get brushed and combed every few days (even my tail). Had a shower which I did not like at all :( I bark at the creature when she gets into bed, when she speaks to the other dogs, when I want/expect to get fed, when the dogs in class are running about. I know you were all told that I didn’t bark much, not true :oops: I have an opinion on lots of things and if I think my thoughts are worth hearing, I give them :P Don’t bark when out in the garden – yet :lol: Coat has another thin patch so have had more Advocate put on and still get fish oil in my food


    Great to hear you are doing so well ;)


    We had a little bit of sleety snow a couple of days ago and I was told Jet was playing in it on the village green. Racing around, jumping and generally being silly :P . I asked my brother (he looks after her when I am at work) about it and he confirmed that she did indeed have a great time. When I went to collect her tonight I was informed that she and brother headed off to the green as usual, Jet did what Jet had to do and while my brother was picking up, madam trotted back to his house as the weather was very wet and windy. He was following her (at speed) but she went straight to her day house and waited at the door for brother to catch up and let her in :o . Clearly snow is ok but wet and windy does not suit :| She has changed such a lot, will do anything for food e.g. helps herself at any and all opportunities, barks a lot (only at me and brother, not outside or even when the terriers explode into a barking frenzy at everything :? ), very clever but calm for a Collie (? cross). Now stalks passed sheep and NEVER takes her eyes off them so I am now not sure that she is frightened of them :shock: Loves the car, never climbs onto my bed even though the terriers are on the bed all the time, Jet sticks to her own bed. Chewed up a few toys but will still not play with any toy/human interaction but has a great time playing with toys by herself. Can brush and comb her now and her coat is improving again, at least she has an undercoat now but it has taken over a year to grow in. Still gets the occasional thin area of coat but grows in again after a few weeks :roll: If she and brother meet the local dog walker with her clients’ dogs on the green Jet plays with all of them, often 6 or 7 of them racing around, back and forth and Jet occasionally gets them into a circle and runs around barking trying to keep them together. I am sure that is instinct but I do wonder if she was a farm dog working sheep/cattle. She has learned many tricks now but like Nellie, decides what SHE THINKS I want and that is what I get :roll:




    Love reading your updates Jet; sounds as though you have your creature almost trained. :P


    The creature almost trained?? No Mutley, no :( . It’s tricky training creatures, honestly, she is so easily distracted by everything, TV, looking out of the window, driving the kennel, sleeping :? . I have to grab every opportunity. I do speak to her a LOT and she is starting to learn dog but it is a work in progress ;) ;) Onwards and upwards as we dogs say :D


    Bonnie and Mac here…we kicked Mutley off the computer for a change! Ah poor Jet, you have a lot to contend with there indeed. We find the creatures (or slaves as we like to call them) are horribly tidy in their ways, something we have to work very hard at to improve. ;) We hear you loud and clear on the TV and they also spend a lot of time throwing our blankets and soft toys (abuse!) into the rotating kennel in the kitchen….what’s that all about? :?: As you say onwards and upwards but frankly, if we knew the creatures/slaves would be so much work, would we have taken them on? They are so needy we find (require constant supervision on walks) but do have the odd good points (treats!). Trust you are continuing to ‘help’ Granddad with his meals. ;)

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