Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

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    Jet went to the vet today to get weighed. She was 14.7 kg when she landed, is now 16.5 kg. Vet said she was a tad overweight!!! :oops: She should (ideally) be between 15.5 to 16.0 kg. So a bit of cut back on her main meals, yes, they all get breakfast and dinner. Vet had knelt down to speak to Jet and as we were chatting she sat back on her heels, Jet lay down and rested her head on the vet’s thighs, the vet was stroking Jets face and said to her, "you are such a sweet little dog, I could happily take you home". Chatted about her age, around 18 months and breed :roll: . I gave my thoughts on Collie Whippet mix. Vet said she has a Whippet and could not see anything of that breed in Jet. Went on to say, "if you really pressed me for an answer (I didn’t, I really didn’t) I would say mostly Collie with a bit of terrier". I said to the vet that the vac. certificate has Jet down as terrier cross (I still don’t see any terrier but I bow to the vet’s and those of DID’s far more educated opinions :)) Doesn’t matter WHAT she is, far more important is WHO she is and she really is a very sweet dog and doesn’t have to be anything else ;)


    :? I have no idea what ‘breed’ of nose Jet has attached to her face. but when we walk in fields her nose goes straight to the ground, she sniffs and snuffles her way around the entire time. I think she has a Spaniel nose :lol: :lol:




    When I went to collect Jet after work today, I almost fell into her brand new £45.00 bed placed in front of the open fire :shock: She gets driven around in a little sporty number when out and about. The flip side, the terriers and have to go to work to earn a crust :( I do wonder where she was six months ago? I know where Madam Mutt is now 8-) and bet my brother gets her a Christmas present! :P


    Jet has a natural talent for tracking. I am going to have to learn all about it. Jet doesn’t need to be trained, she just does it. Anyone involved in tracking has missed a trick in this dog. It’s amazing to be on the other end of her lead but I don’t know anything about tracking so will have to learn. As for Nellie’s tracking ability, it starts and finishes with, sheep, kill; rabbits, kill; cats, KILL. Dudley’s tracking consists of, ‘my paws are getting wet, where is the car’?


    :lol: Love the way your little pack are so drastically different!!


    Merry Christmas all. I have survived my first Christmas with my very own family. Got a blue rubber stick???!!! Goodness knows why – Nellie grabbed it and has destroyed it but I got my first and only love – FOOD. Diet, what diet. Had a bit of a mad turn last night and played like a loon with the creature, I was even flinging my tennis ball around and then pouncing on it :P


    I was sitting on the edge of my bed last night when I heard Nellie grumble a little bit – she was lying on the bed at the time. I glanced behind me and what did I find – Jet sitting right behind me on the bed :o . Sneaky little mutt managed to get onto the bed without me noticing, she was sitting right behind me as though we were passengers on a bus :lol: :lol: :lol: . When I glanced back she immediately looked to her right as though she was looking out of a bus window. It did make me laugh, and as soon as she realised that I knew she was there and wasn’t in trouble she was very, very pleased with herself. That said she slept on her own bed last night and surprise, surprise for the third time Dudley slept there too. Her bed is a big furry cushion-type so there is plenty of room. Don’t know why he makes that decision, it’s not all the time, just now and again but it’s nice that he feels he can do it. Maybe it’s a "I can sleep where I like and when I like" sort of thing :?


    :o I have started school :o Started last Monday night, was happily waiting outside a building when various other dogs started to arrive. I must say I felt a bit worried and managed to crouch down a bit, tail between legs because I wasn’t sure what was happening. Thought I might be heading back to a pound :( Anyway, we had to wait until about 100 puppies came out of the building (well, about 8 or 9 puppies), then we were all taken in. My worry was so great that I forgot all about the smooth floor we had to walk on :roll: There was a nice carpet in the hall we went in to. Met both trainers as they came round to meet us all individually and to check our vaccination cards :) Didn’t have to walk round the hall during the class because we are there to learn good manners. The exercises we were given were; FOCUS, SITTING ON BEING ASKED and CONTINUING TO SIT WHILE OUR PEOPLE PUT A SMALL DISH CONTAINING ONE OF OUR TREATS ON THE FLOOR AND NOT STANDING UP OR EATING THE TREAT UNTIL WE WERE INVITED TO DO SO, oddly enough, that was the thing I found most difficult to do and MEETING NEW PEOPLE WITHOUT JUMPING UP ON THEM. The trainers made it clear that there will be no forcing us to do anything and reminded the humans that we all had our place on earth and we must be treated with respect and kindness because that was the most effective way of teaching us what we need to know to live happily with our families. They said pulling dogs around, shouting at them and forcing them into position was basically abuse. I got loads of cooked chicken to eat and really rather enjoyed the time I was there, wagged my tail a lot :D . We have another 5 weeks of this ‘course’ and the next one is doing the basics of things like ‘nose work’ and learning tricks for things like heel work to music so I think we are going to that. I can use my nose and do so every day. It will be teaching the creature what she needs to do :P :? Wonder if she will get chocolate if she gets it right? Who knows but I will keep you all informed :) I was very pleased to see Nellie and Dudley when we got home :P :P


    Last session of our 6 week training course last night. Consisted of being scored for everything we have been taught thus far and then 3 little competitions between us all. Delighted to report that Jet and I won the ‘musical mats, ‘egg and spoon race’ and we came second out of six for dog managing to sit the longest. She won 2 tubes of liver paste (the trainers use it a lot!) a lovely rosette (OK, we all got a rosette for ‘graduating’ the beginners course) and the trainer also said that Jet got the highest overall score for the night. Goodness knows where she was 9 months ago but after a stint with her great foster family (who set her off on the right path) and then having settled into her life she is doing very well and I am very pleased with her :D . Needless to say, she is not up to the Nells Bells standard as yet but we will get there ;) On the general front, Jet’s coat is still not great, very thin, a patch of hair fell out the side of her face a few weeks ago and it’s taking a VERY long time to come back in. We (vets and myself) are not worried about her as she eats well, runs about normally and there is nothing obvious so I just think ‘leave well alone’ unless she looks unwell. She can be a cheeky madam at times but is very affectionate. If she HAD to choose between me and food, well the food would win but I am happy to be second best in her little world. She can now twirl and twist, sit, lie down, not so good at the standing command, sort of weaves and that is about it. So, things are going well. I hope she will enjoy training for HTM and if so, we will enter some competitions and see how things go. All 3 dogs coming to work with me so each morning and lunchtime I get dragged around a country estate, diving in and out of bushes and plodding through the many puddles and muddy areas. They are all very good in the car and happily sleep between walks 8-) .


    The saga of Jet’s thinning coat :( Had a day off work, Jet’s coat is getting thin again so we trotted off to the vet. The took a scraping from the side of her face (where the hair fell out a couple of weeks ago) and clipped hair from her forearm and took another scraping from there. Nurse left the consulting room with the two slides, vet and I chatted about life in general – known him for years so he is as much a friend as the vet. Nurse returned and said to him, "she has mange", vet said to me, come through and have a look so we all, including Jet, trotted through to peer into the microscope and there was the little blighter :twisted: . Apparently they are quite difficult to find so the nurse was very happy. I have to put ‘stuff’ onto Jet this Sunday, as it is a month ago since the first treatment and then the last treatment next month and that should be that ;) . Doesn’t spread to other dogs but we knew that because Nellie and Dudley are not affected at all. Asked the vet how she got it and he said they are often born with it. Don’t want to tell Jet she has mange, not good news for a girlie but at least it’s easy to treat and I can’t wait to see a big improvement in her coat :) .


    Poor Jet. Dabs had mange when he was a pup and his nose was a bit pink and bare requiring sunscreen for a good while. I hope Jet gets well soon.


    Thanks for your comment. Although Jet has mange she is her normal, happy (greedy) little self. Bald area on her cheek just below the side of her eye and coat a bit thin but nothing too bad. Interested to read your comment about the pink nose. The top of her nose has pink areas and I even said to the vet that I would have to put sunscreen on her nose if we EVER see the sun again :lol: :lol: Will post an image of her once her coat is looking better ;)


    For the first time in the 10 months Jet has been home – she BARKED several times when she heard the neighbours out in their garden. She has now seen more of Scotland than I have. She and my brother are off, out in the car every day, they are all over the place, while I am at work :evil: She trots into his house every morning (I drop her off on my way to work), always very pleased to see him but (I am very happy to report) equally pleased to see me when I go to collect her ;) Bit of a bin raider and would steal any food given the chance but still very sweet. I forgive her the food thing as she has been so hungry in the past. She continues to try and clear up all the bird seed that has fallen from the feeders but I stop her doing that if and when I see her. Need to get some new images of her posted now that her coat is looking better. The bald area on the side of her face has grown back now so she is very smart once again :)



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