Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

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    :D Quick up-date. Landed 5 weeks ago tomorrow, for the last 3 nights she has slept on her bed beside my bed. Has made no effort to get onto my bed. Galloped into my father’s room when we got back from work today and Dudley coped very well. Still don’t let her into my father’s room if there is food around. Helped herself to a sandwich from his had a few days ago. Didn’t grab it, he was not injured in any way but was left holding (pretty much) the crust in his hand. Very good in the car, just lies down and sleeps, sits for her meals but I suspect her foster family taught her that. We are aiming for a rally competition in October. Well, Nellie, Jet and I are. Lord Dudley refuses to perform in public on any level – perish the thought :o He is not scared, he will just not do it :roll:


    Not pointing fingers at anyone BUT someone chewed up a sheepskin slipper this morning :? . All the dogs are ‘free-range’ in the house unless there is food about. Now, the investigation; Dudley has been with us for 8 years and never chewed anything at all; Nellie has been here for 3.5 years (4 in November) and not chewed anything but dog toys. She doesn’t chew them so much as totally destroys them. Jet will play quietly with a ball but stops if anyone looks at her. The carer found what she thought was a dead rabbit on the floor :o and called me through. I understood her thought on first look because all that could be seen was ‘fur’ scattered around. I had opened the door to let the dogs out into the garden, Jet trotted passed us, picked up the remains of the slipper, took it outside, dropped it on the path while she had a look through the gate, picked it up, brought it back into the house and into my father’s room and dropped it beside his chair :P . The conclusion, he has chewed up his own slipper :lol: :lol: :lol: Much as I hate shopping I will have to go and try to find another pair of sheepskin slippers :(


    I think Detective Jet has your dad sussed!


    :D Jet has cracked the target stick. She knows if she touches it with her nose a treat lands straight after the click. She was so happy when she realised what she had to do to get that click and treat. Roast beef on that occasion ;) She is a bit of a dippy girl but gets very worried if she thinks she has done something wrong, she hasn’t but she seems to think she has done something. If I call her to me during one of these episodes she just cringes into the wall and looks away so I have to go to her, re-assure her that all is well and she relaxes but takes a few minutes to be her usual happy little self again. She will learn that nothing bad will happen but you do have to wonder what sort of life she had previously :?


    Had the Nells bells at a training day, brother unable to Jet sit so she came too. Took them both into the hall after a walk and although Jet crouched a bit on the wooden floor, she soon found her feet. Another owner held onto Jet and Nellie as I went back to the car to get the crate into the hall. No panic in the ranks when I left them and the person holding them said they were perfectly happy :) They were both in the crate alongside other crates containing other mutts and dogs lying on their beds close by. Thought Jet might get upset when I took Nellie out at various times for our stints but not a bit of it. She lay quietly taking everything in, she was so good, I was very proud of her. I keep waiting for her to turn into a horror but I very much doubt that will happen. She is charming :D I left Dudley at home and must say he was very happy to see ALL of us on our return ;) . The three dogs are now living happily together 8-)


    That’s great news :D


    Jet is currently lying asleep on her bean bag surrounded by a tennis ball, monkey toy, ragger that is slowly being unwound as she plays with it. Will stop playing if anyone tries to join in, enjoys her walks but not too keen on rain. Coat is changing, much softer and although the hair on her shoulders and thighs is still very thin it seems to be coming through a bit now. Tail isn’t so ‘ratty looking’ and she still has the most strange eyes I have ever seen on any dog. When she relaxes/gets sleepy her eyes are almost normal. When she is excited and her eyes are open wide there is a lot of white to be seen and it makes her took a bit loopy :lol: Eats like a horse and has put on a good deal of weight so is now on normal rations. She will now roll over to have her stomach rubbed but still not too keen on being brushed. Doesn’t do anything bad, just lies down so I can only brush one side at a time :roll: Lets me check her ears, paws, eyes and teeth. Still not too happy to have her tail touched, I know dogs’ tails are sensitive and it will take time but I don’t think that is something that she will ever enjoy. Loves the clicker and gets very carried away with herself when we are trying to do heel work. She thinks she has to walk to heel almost in front of me so she can whip round quickly to do a lovely sit right in front of me! She will sit to the side of me but her first choice is in front. We are trying to sort that out. She is a very quick learner but does try to decided what I want her to do and then that is what she does, we don’t often have the same idea at the same time :oops: . She is great in the car, doesn’t really bark even when the other two explode into a barking frenzy :) All in all she is a very sweet, kind dog and there is always much debate as to her breeding. Most recently, a couple who own a Collie thought she was pure Collie (I continue to think there is Whippet as well as a lot of Collie but goodness knows and where did she got her cute little ears from :P We have just woken up now so time to go out to the garden, oh no, we are lying down again, all tucked in 8-) It’s a tough old life, well, probably was but isn’t now 8-)


    Delighted to hear how Jet is making great progress …. As for the tail Velvet loved being groomed except her tail… But after a few sessions of Tellington Touch she is very happy happy happy having her tail done now and prances around with her tail held so high! Good luck.


    Tellington touch, is this the circular (and a half) massage? How do I go about ‘treating’ her tail or is it an ‘all over thing’? I have heard of it but never really looked into it properly.


    That’s part of it alright…..I will PM skymoon (Jetta) so see if there are any classes/workshop to bring Cassie to!


    Hasn’t crossed my mind to look at the Tellington Touch until now but I will investigate anything in and around Edinburgh. Nothing like a recommendation, especially if it has been applied with success. Thanks for the advice :D .


    Look, it’s me :shock:
    Jet, look into my eyes 1.JPG


    :o My father has just told me that Jet was up on the dining table yesterday. I asked him how she managed to get up onto the table and he said, "same route as Nellie, up over the back of the chair". What can I say :roll:


    She has certainly made herself at home…..


    Guess what? Nellie and Dudley barked at something this morning and I leapt off my bed and gave the biggest WOOF ever, you may have heard me in Dublin. So it looks like I have joined the "security team" here :lol: :lol: :lol:

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