Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

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    Now registered at the vets. Had a quick check-over: age, anything between 18 months and 4 years. I know it is very difficult to age dogs so she is being called "a young adult". Was worried about going into the practice but with a little bit of encouragement she managed to crawl in :? . She has a bit of a lump at the spay surgery site. Vet thought it was a hernia but decided (after closer examination) that it is not. I told that vet that she had removed some of her own stitches and the vet said she has probably had a reaction to the them. We are aware of the lump and will be keeping a check on it but the vet is not at all worried about it. Weighed and 14.78 was recorded. Needs to put on a little more weight but vet thought she was just about there. Foster family, you have obviously done a great job with her. My brother has named her. Let me explain the reason behind the name. He is a great fan of Thailand and visits every year, loves the country and culture. He worked out that she is my 7th rescue dog and the number 7 in Thai is Jet. Don’t know if that is the correct spelling but that is now her name; Jet. My father likes it because it’s short and he can remember it and I like fast jets. She is starting to respond to it but why wouldn’t she, a treat is on offer every time she hears it. We all (Jet, Nellie and I) went off for a nice walk after the vet visit and Jet wants to speak to everyone she sees. When we got home she had a wander round the garden with Dudley close behind. Delighted to report he is calming down. She had some Joe Inglis biscuits and her dentastix for lunch and is now tucked up in her crate asleep. We managed to miss the heavy rainfall we currently have. I will take her to dog training on Wednesday so she can meet Norma, Francis and the rest of the gang. They know nothing about her yet so a big surprise in store. She has now met both carers so is pretty much up to speed with everyone she will see on a regular basis. She has taken many big steps over the last 3 days but is now home and can get on and enjoy the rest of her life. My little Jet pack :D


    :D That name would have been in the hat if we had known, sadly too late :( . Don’t think it would have changed anything :? . The two men in her life like Jet and she looks like she will have a good turn of speed about her. Asked the vet what she thought breeds might be involved. I am still convinced she is Collie/Whippet mix. Vet’s comment, lot of Collie, not got a Collie coat and got cute little ears – which she does. Beyond that could be anything but said to call her a lurcher and that shouldn’t be too far out 8-)


    We all had a romp in the hills this morning, gate open in a field we were in and some sheep wandered in. All dogs very interested but soon got back to ground sniffing, On the way back to the car (along a little country road) we saw two deer heading for the hills, can’t tell you how lucky I was not to follow them. Jet saw them, very, very interested, Nellie knew something was up but she is so tiny she didn’t see them, nor did Dudley but he reacted in response to the other two. Next job, clearing aunt’s house, so off we all went. Took the dogs into the house, took all leads off and guess what? No problems because we were not on Dudley’s patch. Jet had a great time climbing over boxes and having a good old rake around. I heard a noise, saw Nellie looking under a bed and seconds later Jet appeared, on her side scraping her way out from under the bed. She and Dudley had a few passing sniffs at each other but not a single word from him. He continues to struggle when she is loose at home, sometimes I have him on a lead when she is loose, he will get there. So sad to see a nice little JRT lost his life because of being reactive with other dogs. Just needs lots of time and guidance, very sad. Back to our world. My brother appeared this afternoon and Jet went loopy, Dudley went off to my father’s room with a treat and was shut in. I let Jet out of her crate and she was all over him, didn’t know whether to jump up, sit down, lie down so she did all three several times. He put her lead on and took her for a walk on her own. I stood at the door as they went through the gate, off she went tail waving in the air glancing up at him, very happy dog. They were out for about an hour. He said, "she doesn’t bother with cars or people and walked very nicely". Huge thanks to foster family for all the training you did with her, it has paid off. She is getting better on the smooth floors in the house. Seems to prefer walking on pavements/tracks rather on grass or verges. Started to mix the food I hope she will be eating with her nice cooked chicken, also gets white fish mixed with veg and mixer biscuits. Every bit of her food disappears and what re-appears from the other end now looks OK. We all continue to trot along slowly and can’t wait for Dudley to get over himself at home, was delighted with him at my Aunt’s house. Nellie, well she is just great, a very special little mutt and I wouldn’t part with her for the world. Weather a bit cooler which is better for all of us.


    Tried to add an image
    Jet returning home after a walk in the rain with David.JPG


    Day 12 in my home now, what can I tell you – get fed nice food twice a day, various treats, especially when I go into my crate without being asked. My crate is a nice place, comfy bed and my blue baby blanket. I have stayed with my uncle (he takes me for nice walks) for a couple of hours now and again while my pet has to go and do other things away from home. He has a nice bed for me and we were playing with a ball yesterday. I found some sort of raggy toy at home this morning and spent some time throwing it around and trying to rip bits off it. I have a garden to run around in and go out there with Nellie and Dudley. The only thing he doesn’t like is when I try to talk to our granddad so when we are all out my granddad is shut in his room. Sometimes when Dudley is sleeping in the creature’s room she closes the door and I can then go and visit granddad. I think he likes me :D I have been licking my spay scar a bit so went off to see the vet. He said I am probably reacting to the subcutaneous stitches but they will dissolve and things should settle. I don’t lick all the time just often enough to have it checked. That particular vet thinks I am between 18 months and 2 years old so I have had quite an age range from various people but my creature has decided to go with me being two. I got lots of gravy bones during my visit with the vet and then we had to go and see the head receptionist (she hadn’t met me and thought I was lovely). She told the creature that she would have to buy me gravy bones – she will ;) My uncle has discovered that I am a bit scared of gates that lead into fields, a bit worried about sheep and cattle. I am so much better on the smooth floors in the house now and am starting to work out how doors work – I have to move back because the doors open inwards :? That confused me at the start. It’s nice and sunny today and I am looking forward to my walk. We are going to start learning tricks as the creature thinks I have settled in enough now to start my "education". Not sure what that entails but as long as I can get some nice treats I will try to go along with her wishes. She tells me how pretty I am and I like that. Next blog will contain various photos so everyone can see and remember me. I will never forget the people who helped me and I will always stay in touch :D


    Congratulations Indianna on the beautiful new addition to your family x


    All three dogs ate their food together in the kitchen, that brings Jet’s in-crate feeding to an end. Good dogs. All in the garden together, will go passed each other to get in and out of door, walk together. Just need to crack her visiting her granddad without Dudley’s head exploding :) Slowly, slowly we go ;)


    Wow :!: :!: How lucky is Cassie/Jet???? She has ended up in the bestest possible forever home in the world – what a turnaround for the poor little face that peered out from her first photos in the pound. Congratulations Indianna – and thank you :-) xxxxxx


    Three weeks in my very own home now :D Had breakfast in the kitchen with Nellie and Dudley, he and I move round all 3 dishes to lick them clean. Not at the same dish at the same time of course, that would be too much :lol: :lol: I have not gone back to my crate, the door is open but I have been wandering freely between my room and all the other rooms. Dudley is on the bed sleeping so he seems to have accepted that this is my house too. This is what last week was like for me. I got dropped off at my uncle’s house (a 5 minute walk from my own house) around 8.00 a.m., creature heads off to work. My uncle and I go for a nice long walk. Have met lots of other dogs and meet them very nicely :D Get lots of praise for that 8-). Then we stay at my uncle’s house until I get collected around 2.00 p.m., go for a quick walk with Nellie and Dudley. Then I travel back to the creature’s place of work with her. She goes off to an office where I think she sleeps :? so I do the same in my car. She manages to park the car very close to the office and kept sneaking out to check on me the first day. She was going to bring Nellie as well but said to me that she didn’t want to leave us both in the car until we all knew each other very, very well. We usually get back to work around 3.30 p.m. so I am in the car for less than 2 hours. I have been shown round the office and met the other creatures she works with and they were very nice to me. I do know that if the weather gets very hot again I will just stay with my uncle until she gets home from work ;) – I wouldn’t want to be in the car if it was very hot :shock: I find the bins in my house very interesting and do my best to check the contents but am starting to realise that I really shouldn’t do that but sometimes I just can’t help myself, could be some nice food in a bin. I do clear up any bird seed I find in the garden and was trying to eat the bread that had been put out for the birds recently but was told to come back into the house for that :evil: I have seen Dudley do it so I don’t know why she gets in a flap – get it – birds and flap :lol: :lol: :lol: I got brushed this morning and wasn’t too keen but lay down so she could only brush one side of me :P She said my coat feels nice and soft now and also thinks I have put on a little bit of weight. She has taken lots of photos of me (used her telephone) but doesn’t know how to get them onto a computer and quite frankly neither do I :( She took the photos – so she can work out how to do it. She told me one day that my foster mum had sent a text offering to send information about me. The creature replied but now thinks the information didn’t go, so if my foster mum reads this, the answer to your offer is YES PLEASE for sending my likes/dislikes etc. My creature also needs to get the details of my vaccinations as my own vet told her they need that so they can up-date the records they have made for me. I was scanned and delighted to report that my chip number appeared so that is on my vet record. I have stopped licking my spay wound now so that is good as all seems to have settled 8-) That is it for this up-date, will be in touch again soon :D Hope you all have a great weekend.


    Great update….looking forward to pictures :D


    Hope this works :?
    Jet 1.JPG


    Beautiful Jet! Where did those gorgeous eyes come from?


    Tried to add another image.


    The local dog walker and Collie owner saw Jet at lunchtime today so we had to stop and chat. She said how pretty Jet was (she is) and didn’t think she was pure Collie but plenty other people do. I said I thought she was Collie/Whippet, she thought possibly Collie/Lab. Thought Jet looked young, her guess around a year old and maybe a little younger. She has a 5 month old Collie who is not much smaller than Jet :o . When we were walking on the country estate after work today (sadly, not mine) Jet saw a Spaniel running back and forth (working the ground) in the distance and tried to take off. She is very keen when she sees something moving in the distance, sharp as a pin. Doesn’t like having her back end touched but getting used to being brushed – usually lies down and tries to paw at my hands when brushing/stroking her. Lets me pick up her paws to check them but taking time with touching her tail. She has started to grow furry ‘knickers’ either side of her tail which appears to be is getting thicker, well looks thicker because her coat seems to be growing, not long just ‘more hairy’ 8-) The rest of her coat is very soft and still smooth. Digestive system seems to have settled down and she has her gravy bones now :roll: . Took a box of Bonio biscuits to my brother’s house so she can have one after her walk. Always tries to drink out of manky puddles or other grotty water if she gets the chance :) .


    Jet went off to my brother for the day and they had a nice walk. He told me on Thursday that Jet did one of those high pounces into long grass during her walk. She then lay down with her front paws crossed, licking at them. He checked her in case she had cut herself but there, under her paws was a mouse that she was licking :o He pulled her back from the mouse and said that within seconds the slightly wet mouse shot off into the grass. Jet carried on happily with her walk ;) . She has started to learn to sit, down and stand on command. Tried her with a target stick the other day but she didn’t have a clue. We will carry on with the touch/click training. Now that Nellie’s performance day is over I will be concentrating on Jet but still continuing with Nellie. I hope they will both compete albeit on a fun level at various events in the future. Time to get the agility equipment out again to see what Jet thinks :? She has put on a little bit of weight, at least she is developing some muscle on her shoulders. I think she will always be a bit skinny but I would like to see a bit more weight on her. She is a little sweetie 8-)

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