Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Cassie – ref 282 – Collie x – approx. 1yr – HOMED

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    This is what I think – Collie cross Whippet (mix). Little cracker whatever breeds you are, smitten (yes, I know AGAIN!!!)


    I got to take this little lady to the vets today to have her stitches out & what an absolute dote she is. I took her out of the pound just over a month ago, she was underweight & her coat was in bits, but thanks to Nina she’s now looking fantastic. She travelled really well in the car, was brilliant with my kids, & behaved impeccably at the vets. She has a lovely gentle way about her & I could see her fitting into any home. Nina tells me she’s even great with cats! Was so lovely to get to see her again & I wish her well. :D


    :? Stitches out? Has she been neutered or did she do something silly? She looks like a totally different dog between first and last image. Hope she is enjoying all this sunshine, we are almost cooked :roll: Too hot to walk the mutts at lunchtimes so it’s a wander around the garden or they lie just inside the open front door watching out for anything interesting to bark at. Not complaining about the heat but we are not set up for this weather at all :shock: . I hope Cassie/Sorcha is coping with it all but I am pretty sure she will be ;)


    You are right Indianna, we don’t have the "heat" genes at all! I got a paddling pool for the two dogs and … they won’t use it … way too out of the ordinary – must be viewed with great suspicion!! We love your photos Sorcha, we want more please!


    This little lady has gone to her forever in Scotland with (Morven) Indianna where she has a doggie sister and brother :D

    Looking forward to updates 8-)

    ……a special thank you to her fantastic foster family, without them she had no chance ;)


    :shock: Hello from sunny Scotland and it really is sunny. Currently resting in a large crate, on a comfy bed and I have my blue moon and stars towel in with me. Had a long, long journey but landed in my very own home at the end of it ;) I have had a walk with the other two dogs and my person will be taking things slowly regarding all three of us (dogs) being loose in the house. I have had a quick tour of my garden, had bits of chicken and roast beef sandwiches, shared with the creature and Nellie. Dudley has gone to another part of the house to rest in our grand-dad’s room. I have met my human uncle (he drove us home as the creature has no sense of direction so we could all have ended up back in Dublin!!! I met my grand-dad briefly, he stroked my head and face and told me I would be alright and he thinks I am a nice dog – which, of course I am ;) Will be in touch again soon and promise to let you all know how I get along. Thank you to everyone who helped me when I needed you most :) .


    ..can we take it that your name has reverted to Cassie? Do you know what, I’m very happy for your new human. Your human, Indianna, has been posting to your thread A LOT…and that’s not unusual for her but she wasn’t even doing so in response to your posts…I think the song "I knew I loved you before I met you" is about the both of you. I wish you many many happy years together. x


    We are just back home from our last (first for some) walk round the village. Great debate over her name, father and brother heavily involved. My father wants a short name for her, I declined anything like Dot, Cap, Meg etc, all the usual Collie names :shock: . Couldn’t call her Cassie because of our very own Cassie ;) . I quite liked Sorcha but have been ‘out-voted, sorry foster family but I will retain Sorcha as her middle name. She is a very sweet little dog, had cooked chicken, veg and some mixer biscuits for dinner :) . Dudley keeps coming through to my room to have a look at her in her crate :x . He just needs time and will calm down but he is a lot more relaxed than he was. He wouldn’t actually fight but he might set the Nells bells off. He will be totally fine in a few days, just takes a bit of time for him to accept that another dog is in the house :roll: . She is home now and will realise in the next few days/weeks that she is part of the family. She has a lovely rust/gold colour mixed through her black coat on her back. We will be off to the vet on Monday morning to introduce her to everyone and get her registered. I am thrilled to have been given the opportunity to have another DID dog join us, thank you for that :P . I will get photos posted soon and the one I really want is the three dogs sitting together – it will happen, I promise. She is now sleeping 8-) . Poor dog, she will be tired after a bit of a stressful day. Still think there is a good bit of Whippet as well as Collie within :? Off to make my father’s supper now then to bed for me as well. If anyone is wondering, the three dogs sleep in my room so she will not be alone, in fact she will never be alone again :D .


    Ahhh…Morven…that made me cry…I am so happy for her….thank you


    Oh Indianna it is truly wonderful to read your posts on Cassie and to hear that she has arrived safely to her fab forever family. I met her very briefly yesterday when I collected her from Nina and dropped her to the pick-up point in Balbriggan. When I saw her little timid worried face with her favourite towel heading off into the unknown I have to admit I cried but now less than 24 hours later she is running the fields in bonny Scotland. Just another happy ending thanks to you for giving her a second chance and to the hard work and dedication of Marie and Kathy and all in D.I.D. :D


    A huge thanks to everyone indeed. Those people do a most wonderful thing, helping so many dogs in great need. It must be worrying for the foster families and the people who transport dogs between A-B not really knowing where they are going :( . The dogs are very stressed but I am sure that they are going to nice places. She is now living in a two-bedroomed bungalow, own garden in the Scottish Borders :) . Bit of a stomach upset this morning but hardly surprising after the stressful day she had yesterday :cry: . I am sure she s still pretty stressed but she will go to the vet tomorrow, get checked from top to toe and if she has something that can be treated it will be but she certainly needs time to relax and calm ;) . She will be having cooked chicken and pasta for breakfast and probably fish and pasta for her next meal. Every time I walk passed her crate she wags her tail as I verbally acknowledge her. Yesterday it was the very end of her tail that she wagged, this morning 3/4 of her tail is circling madly – that is a Whippet thing, isn’t it? Even though she has the runs this morning, she decided that her toilet would be in the bushes at the back of the garden and I could hear all the wrong sort of noises :cry: I will have to go and have a look so I can report to the vet tomorrow. She is looking very bright, a little bit of discharge from one eye but I think she will take time to recover from whatever sort of life she had before she was rescued from the pound. I have two weeks off work so I can get her into a routine and as settled as possible before I head back. The plan at the moment is that she and Nellie will come to work with me in the afternoons, she will spend the mornings with my brother (they will be meeting daily so she knows he is a part of her life). He will walk her in the morning, I will get the three dogs out for a quick romp at lunchtime, take the girlies back to work in the afternoon then all dogs back home in the evenings. Lots of walks in the hills and we will, at some point in the next couple of weeks have a trip to the beach (about 40 odd miles away). I will report again tomorrow once we have been to the vet. I am not particularly worried about her but just want her to be happy and healthy ;) . Pasta has cooked so it’s breakfast time :D .


    Congratulations Indianna :D She is gorgeous and very lucky to have
    been adopted by you.She couldn’t have asked for a better home. :D
    I hope Dudley stops sulking soon :lol:


    You and I both jake n bailey, you and I both :roll: The thing is they all walk together, sniff at the same things, trot along happily but he just can’t hack it in the house :? He will settle, I know he will, was exactly the same when Cassie and then Nellie arrived and they all lived very happily together. He is improving even after 24 hours. I let her out of her crate when Dudley is asleep in my father’s room, shut him in when she is out. She is getting used to the smooth floor in the hall and kitchen but really not too steady on it. When she goes back into her crate I let Dudley out. He tears around where she has been, then rushes to her crate, checks that she is in there and then settles down again. Looney! If only you could see the looks I get from him when he knows she has been out – IN HIS HOUSE :o Nellie is great, can’t fault her apart from her dearest wish which is to kill all the local cats and general wildlife :lol: :lol: :lol: She is a little star 8-)

    DID Rescue

    Congratulations all round :)
    Delighted for both of you.
    I met Cassie the day she was leaving the pound to go into foster and I thought she was a sweet, loving, gentle girl who would do anything to please.
    Judging by the state of her coat that day she certainly was not looked after.
    Enjoy the Highlands of Scotland I am sure you will pass off as a native very soon ;)


    Absolutely thrilled for you all…. Should run a little competition with regards her name…my entry is Erin where she came from!

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