Cassie – Akita in very bad condition

Cassie – Akita in very bad condition

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Cassie – Akita in very bad condition

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    You both have done a wonderful job with Keiko – she looks terrific.


    I second that. You have transformed her, you are both an inspiration and obviously gifted with animals. Thanks for giving her so much.


    Amazing well done martina, jimmy and kas!!!

    Had to check the dates….cannot believe the transformation in such a short time…is she the same dog?!?!? Wow what a stunner!


    She just looks amazing. Not just her coat, but her whole demeanour. What a happy, secure dog she looks. Well done you two yet again, you really do have a magic touch with these poor dogs.


    cannot believe its the same dog..absolutely stunning photos especially the ones of her having her eyes licked by Foxy..isnt it amazing the understanding between dogs when one is pain!. you are both extremely generous who have given so much to save these dogs!. Kuma and Keiko and Foxy were very lucky to have found you two!! amazing work guys…quite something the gift you have!


    We got Keyko spayed on thursday, she was still groggy on friday but was full of beans back to herself on saturday. When we got up on Sunday morning she wasn’t well at all. She was moving around a lot and looked in pain and couldn’t get comfortable. Her scar looked a little swollen and she didn’t even want to go for a walk or eat. The vets was closed so we thought we’d keep an eye on her and if she didn’t improve we’d take her the next morning. We went out for awhile and when we came back she had gotten sick twice and pee’d in the house and seemed a bit worse so we rang the emergency number for the vet. They took her in and said they’d observe her through the night and give her some antibiotics and pain relief. We were happy she was in the right place coz she was visibly in a lot of pain. The vet rang this morning and said there was a little improvement but she was still quite sick so I went in to see her as they are keeping her in tonight too. She seemed a bit better to me but still a shadow of her former self I took her for a little walk and sat in the room with her for awhile petting her and telling her I loved her and we’re looking forward to taking her back home. The vet just called though and said it’s touch and go if she’ll make it through the night. Myself and Jimmy are so upset but still praying for a miracle for our little baby Keiko who deserves a chance at a great life after the start she’s had so please if anyones still up to read this say a prayer for her.


    Oh no, poor Cassie, after everything she’s been through, everyone here has fingers, toes and paws crossed for her, the poor baby :(


    Martina and Jimmy, I’m so sorry to hear this. But this girl has proved that she is a fighter, and I pray that she’ll come through tonight.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Try and get some sleep tonight, a hard thing to do I know, but if she makes it, she’ll need lots of hugs and cuddles from you tomorrow.


    Praying for poor Cassie


    Just read your post, so sorry to hear this! We will be thinking of Keyko and you. Hope she pulls through!


    Just read your post. Storming heaven with prayers for Keyko – she deserves to get better after all she has been through. Hope you both managed to get some sleep and that things take a turn for the better today.


    oh my god..just saw this post!! am praying right now that keyko has pulled through..its just too sad to think after all she has been through!!. Please god give this girl a chance..


    So sorry to hear about Keyko. :( She’s a fighter, she’ll have to pull through. All fingers and paws crossed here for this beautiful girl. x


    I am so sorry to hear about poor Keyko. I hope she is a fighter she deserves much more than this after all she has been through…. Be stong little one..
    Thinking of you martina and Jimmy at this hard time you do such a wonderful job with the akita’s, when no-one else will. saying prayers for her.. XX


    I’m afraid it’s bad news this morning. The vet rang just after midnight last night to tell us Keiko had passed away. Thank you all so much for your prayers but our poor little girl just couldn’t fight anymore and as devastated as we are at least we know she’s not in pain anymore. I also feel sorry for the forever family that was waiting to take her who had fallen in love with her too. It happened so fast we didn’t see it coming but I’m glad we got a chance to know and love her. Jimmys leaving work early so we can go in and see her. It hurts so much to know she’s gone especially after she had such a hard life. We miss her so much and love her with all our heart. Sweet dreams my little baby bear xxxx

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