Casper – Samoyed x puppy

Casper – Samoyed x puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Casper – Samoyed x puppy

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    Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!!!!


    :D :D


    Calling on all the DID prayers and good vibes for this little – well not so little – man in the next few weeks. Shortly after we adopted Cas, he was diagnosed with congenital juvenile cataracts in both eyes. We have kept an eye on them and in recent days, one of the "juveniles" decided to "grow up". About a week ago, we noticed the milky opacity in his left eye. :cry: :cry: Cas was referred to a wonderful ophthalmic specialist who tested him and reckons he needs cataract surgery in the left eye now and probably the right also later on. The surgery may or may not work but we have to give it a try as he is almost completely blind in the left eye already! :cry: Casper has been through a lot in his short life and he is incredibly accepting of all that happens to him so just thought I would ask for a few good vibes to be sent his way tomorrow when he will have his surgery. I will keep you updated. Best of luck, Cas!!! :D :D


    Best of luck Casper…we will all keep our fingers x and say loads of prayers…..


    Best wishes for a successful surgery Casper. Poor baby – we’ll be keeping our fingers and paws crossed here. Yvonne xx


    Ah Cuddly Casper ….we have fingers and paws crossed for your perfect sight to be restored…..


    Thanks so much, Kathy, Yvonne and Audrey.
    Cas’s surgery went very well – and very expensively!!! – but he is most definitely worth it! :D :D The veterinary surgeon, Mike, is really pleased with the result so we are here medicating and eye-dropping to beat the band!!! :lol: :lol:
    We are trying – those DREADED words – to keep him quiet and it is a full scale military operation to get the others out in the morning and leave him behind :cry: :cry: Being a savage for food makes him very susceptible to bribery and corruption so that helps. :lol: :lol:
    Thanks to all who have had Cas in your thoughts and prayers. Keep him there just a TEENY bit longer till he gets the all clear. :D :D


    Just a final update on our gorgeous little man’s eye surgery. It was a HUGE success, thank God (and thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes!!). Mike, the surgeon, is really happy with his progress and Cas is doing great! :D :D
    The REAL icing on the cake for us is seeing how the restoration of much better vision than Casper ever enjoyed has changed the fun he gets out of life. Cas was always a sweet, lovable rogue but his improving eyesight has helped him to become:
    More adventurous – he used to stick very closely to us on his walks and panicked when he lost sight of us. Now he wanders off adventuring with the others secure in the knowledge that he will find us when he needs to.
    Gentler by mouth – As Cas was never sure where treat ended and fingers began, rewarding him required CARE! Now he is much better able to find his food/treat and you can see how happy this makes him!!
    We are all THRILLED for him. Worth every penny!!! :D :D :D


    Delighted for you big cuddly man….and such a worry off your fab familys shoulders….


    Great news :D

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