Casper – Bichon Frise – HOMED

Casper – Bichon Frise – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Casper – Bichon Frise – HOMED

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    This little man is heading off to his new home with his two little Bichon sisters :D Looking forward to loads of updates :D

    Joan Kirwan

    Well Casper left us a little while ago to go to his new home with the Green Family . His 2 new sisters , Coco and Gucci came to meet him last night and are waiting at home from him to arrive.

    He will be very spoilt in his new home and will have loads of fun.

    Be good little man in your new forever home …. welcome home.

    HUGS X X X Joan


    Casper has settled in quickly today, he is loving playing fetch with Adam………… :D


    Ahh…thanks a million Gary :D

    Joan Kirwan

    Thanks Gary …. he looks like he’s been there all his life ..
    Looking good Adam .. Give him a hug for me –


    Casper you look like your sisters were waiting patiently for their big brother to join them … happy little man and no doubt about it you are going to have the best christmas ever!


    Casper Update !!

    Casper is now a typical Bischon, he has settled in with his two new sisters as if he was here all his life………….not sure that his sisters are used to the whirlwind that is now Casper :o . All he wants to do is play all day long with his new football. He gives these quirky little ‘silent barks’ when he wants your attention and if you ignore him you will get a gentle bark to remind you that he is there…..


    Hey Casper u look so happy. Congrats on getting a great forever home :D

    Joan Kirwan

    Look at my little man doing so wellllll .

    He looks sooo happy and yes we loved his little ‘silent barks’ .. its like hes talking to you …

    thanks for sharing Gary and family



    Hi All – Casper is well and truly one of the family..He joins in all the usual daily Bischon 15 minutes of madness where all 3 of them now run around the house barking like mad dogs until they wear themselves out and then they take over the sofa for a nap…
    Casper, Coco & Gucci playing hide and seek with Adam.jpg
    Smile !.JPG
    ‘t me dad.jpg

    Joan Kirwan

    WOW … he looks fantastic … thanks for the update . I’m so happy he’s found the right home . Joan

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