Carley – Collie x Terrier

Carley – Collie x Terrier

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Carley – Collie x Terrier

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    emmat – thank you so much for offering to sign the paperwork but we have already done that and it has been approved :)!! So she is coming to England!!

    Our transport is not until Friday and that is only if this snow goes… otherwise it will hopefully be over the weekend. So we are still looking for someone to foster her until we can have her brought over. Hopefully that will be sorted out today.

    It is such great news and we are all so excited!! She will have two brothers when she arrived as I already have two rescues. She will be so well looked after. :D


    That is great news. If you are still stuck for someone to take her in I can pick her up tomorrow and look after her until the weekend. Let me know.


    The best of luck. I hope it all works out. paws crossed. she is such a lucky Carley. sisi


    We collected Carley this morning after her overnight trip to England! She is getting on well with my two existing dogs and doesn’t want to go near the cats which is great!!
    We are very impressed that she already knows sit, give the paw and lie down. She is very very affectionate and roles on her back for her tummy to be rubbed!!
    She is very tired from her journey so will be able to sleep the rest of the day.
    She has got two older brothers to look after her and I am so glad she is safe with us now in her forever home!!


    Many thanks for the update and for giving Carley a new start. Look forward to hearing more when she settles in.


    Please post pictures :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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