Carl – boxer cross puppy -HOMED

Carl – boxer cross puppy -HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Carl – boxer cross puppy -HOMED

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    This little baby is gone into foster with Joan :D Thanks to Martina for picking him up ;)

    Joan Kirwan

    Hi Folks, A big thanks to Martina for picking this little guy up for me this evening .. He is very playful and has taken to Rommel ( Our Boxer ) straight away. we’ve had supper and are playing again. We going to have our bath in the morning as we want to settle in first. Then worming to ensure we have no nastys :D . We’ll take more photos tomorrow when were nice and clean looking our best .. will keep you posted Joan .


    ah so glad to help the poor little guy..had a nice playtime with him for an hour..a big hit with all the kids on the block!! lovely sweet little angel..thanks to you Joan!! love to see some pics!! am sure he will get well spoilt there..have no doubts there!! ah the wee pet!!

    Joan Kirwan

    Carl is sooo much fun , he plays plays plays then has a big sleep lol lol , He had a clean bed this morning I was so surprised as he sooo young. We are doing potty training and tonight he went to the back door by himself so he a good learner.

    Joan Kirwan

    Here are some more photos of theis little guy .. hes so good

    Carl Playing with his Ball and Jadies Sock :-)

    I’m ready for my close up …

    This Finger tastes good

    How Cute am I

    My side shot

    Its not jades sock its mine


    He is so adorable!
    I’m sure he will be snapped up very soon! Lucky Joan for getting to foster him!!!


    well doesnt he scrub up so well!! am so so jealous Joan..would have loved to have kept him myself if I could!! what a cutie this guy…hours of endless fun for sure! give him a big hug from me..thanks for the lovely pics!! such a change from the "slightly" more dirty puppy I picked up…

    Joan Kirwan

    Well a very good day again today .. another clean bed .. we’ve have a few little pee accidents but he just not making it to the door in time but getting there ..

    Joan Kirwan

    Hi folks , this little man is doing so well … he so full of energy and loves to play play play .. he has now taken to sleeping with Rommel ( our Boxer ) who is a very large boxer and he’s soo small compared to him but that doesn’t seem to bother him. He seems to think My Bichon tails is for pulling and her nearly 11yrs is not amused. He has had a clean bed every nite but we are still working on the potty (pee ) training during the day … He is getting better and is now going straight to the back door, just needs to learn to hold it a few seconds more until we open the door and let him out into the garden but hes doing well for such a young pup. He will make a great pet for who every adopts him .

    If anyone is interested in adopting this little man please fill out an adoption form and send it to the admin team.



    I’m Elaine, and have just had my house check so am hoping to be adopting very soon, and I’m really interested in this little guy, he is absolutely beautiful. I’ll keep an eye on his post over the next few days anyway :)

    Joan Kirwan

    Hi Folks … well Carl is such a joy … very playful , eats socks lol lol slippers is another big thing he like to chew … the hubbys homer Simson’s slippers keep turning up in the doggy bed lol . His potty training is coming on good and are having fewer misses … hoping to get him vaxed and chipped in the next few days and hoping he’ll be ready for his forever home …

    Joan Kirwan

    Hi Folks
    Carl is doing great getting big and bold lol lol … into everything … what to know everything .. he still loves to play play play … we getting there on the potty training . still having a few little accidents but hes only a baby after all .. He was vax’ed and chipped last night so he already to rock and roll …. He will make a great pet .. Gets on great with other dogs not sure about cats as we don’t have one …

    will post some new pic later

    Anyone interested please contact Gwen Or Kathy

    DID Rescue

    I met this little man last week and he is really a lovley pup.
    Duffy was really fasinated at something so small but he coped very well in my mad kitchen with 9 four legged people checking him out.
    He looks great well done to Joan and family and is as bright as a button.
    Someone will be very lucky to adopt this well adjusted, sociable and loving boy.This is the big difference when adopting a pup or dog from DID all the hands on work that is done with them makes sure they can fit in to a new home very easily , unlike a lot of dogs who have not been lucky enough to get this adjustment period which really sets them up for their new life.

    Joan Kirwan

    Joan Kirwan

    Hi all … Well Carl is doing great .. Wwe had himout on the lead today at the Ratoath Prade and he had a ball. got loads and loads of attention and was the perfect puppy …
    Everyone wanted to pet and play with him .. he met a few new doggy friends and was brilliant . Him and rommel go so much attention they are alseep now ..

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