Some new photos for you Angie!
April took the photo when she saw the boys joining me for a nap on the sofa the other day.
All going well with Snape, every week so much improvement
I’m "banned" from going for walks for probably a few months (by my physio) which is a real disappointment and nuisance, but the upside is that Snape is now getting used to me not being the one who brings him for walks (Evan is the main walker now but the others help out too). Snape still wants to see me all the time but is getting better at relaxing with the others when I go out.
Hi Sandra, Love the photos Snape is looking so well, his coat is coming on a treat. He really is having so many adventures. He looks so happy and content Hope you are taking it easy and I am sure Evan is doing sterling work on the walkies front. Myself and John love the updates x
I called to see Snape this week, thanks Sandra & Evan Snape is so happy, healthy & handsome, far removed from the frightened little dog who walked in my door. I am so happy to see Snape so content and loved well done to his family & dogs in distress xx image.jpg