Calvin – 10 mt old Yorkie X Shih Tzu *HOMED*

Calvin – 10 mt old Yorkie X Shih Tzu *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Calvin – 10 mt old Yorkie X Shih Tzu *HOMED*

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    Calvin :D :D


    Just one more with Charlie my 19 year old collie, Calvin spelt right this time :)


    Love his updates Angela…thank you :D


    Great photos Angela, Calvin is looking so content


    Thanks Kathy & Sandra :D
    Here we are on our walkies today :D Calvin loves going for a walk.


    Am in awe of you managing to walk with so many dogs at once!


    Seeing the photos of Calvin on the beach we decided to introduce Dobby to sand and sea – last summer he couldn’t go out because of vaccinations, then we grew so used to walking in the parks that we haven’t brought him to the beach up till today. Well he loved the sand and the rocks, the sea seemed to scare him and he followed Evan in a few times then rushed back out as fast as possible. Looking forward to seeing the two little doggies enjoy parks and beaches together – variety is the spice of life as they say.


    Calvin had some visitors this week and he met his forever family. He has a doggy brother called Dobby who is the sweetest little fella. He has a teenage brother and sister :D I am so happy Calvin has found such a lovely family who will love and care for him :D here he is resting up & getting ready for the big adventure next week


    Calvin went to his forever home today We are so delighted he has got such a lovely family to call his own. He is a very special dog and has so much love to give. We are looking forward to his updates.
    Miss you already xx


    What an interesting day it has been. We collected Calvin yesterday and the poor little fella was very nervous and frightened of us when he came home. In just twenty four hours he has already relaxed so much. He is still only happy when he comes towards us, not happy if we approach him yet ,but as we have been getting lots of kisses all day and as he is loving sitting and snuggling in beside us, we are very happy with how well he is coming on. He is following me around, so now I have two little "shadows".

    Big thanks to Angela and John for being such caring Foster Parents and for your encouragement too, you do fantastic work!

    Calvin is now called Snape. So now we have Dobby and Snape , both names from Harry Potter.

    We took things very easy today, doing very little really except spending time with the dogs. We had two short car trips which were no bother at all and two short walks which he thoroughly enjoyed – hope to get out again later if the rain keeps away. Angela and John manage so many dogs on their walks, for me it is a learning curve to manage two, but so far so good.

    I had some pictures ready to post but can’t see how to do it. Will ask the kids and maybe they can see how, if so will post some up later.


    Photos of Snape’s first day in his new home


    Another photo, hope it posts this time


    Looks like you have two cracking little dogs there. Love the image of him with his chew bone, his VERY OWN chew bone from his very own family. Lovely :D


    Best of luck little man hardly recognise you from the first day I met the terrified bundle in Kathys kitchen …..look at you now….WOW have a pawtastic life


    Indiana – Yes they are indeed, two cracking little dogs!

    Angela – we eventually took off the harness, when we came in from our evening walk, no bother thankfully.

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