Calum – 4mt old yorkie cross terrier – HOMED

Calum – 4mt old yorkie cross terrier – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Calum – 4mt old yorkie cross terrier – HOMED

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    This little man is in the pound and needs out asap. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    This baby is gone into foster with Eddie (Yorkie) and his family :D Thanks so much ;)


    Took Calum home today, poor little mite was like a lamb in the car just sitting there wondering what was happening to him.

    When we got home he brightened up almost straight away wagging his tail and exploring his new surroundings.

    He is such a little gent, very calm and easy going and not given to barking. We gave him some nice chicken and rice and he fell asleep on my daughters lap (looked like he belonged there).

    We introduced him to our two Yorkies and he took it all in his stride making friends easily. They are all downstairs asleep in the kitchen as I type.

    So far he is great with people, great with dogs, loves affection and cuddles, doesnt bark what more could a potential owner ask for :D

    Cant wait to see what the morning brings.


    :D A little monkey-monster ready to flourish into a fantastic canine ‘best friend’ for some lucky person or people. It warms my heart to see him in the car with a nice person giving him the support and security he needs. What a scary place a dog pound must be for any dog never mind a puppy-dog. I bet he will be full to overflowing with mischief when he knows he is safe and can start to be what he should be – a PUPPY!


    Calum had his first bath last night and took to it like a duck to water :lol: He looks sooooo much better now he is nice and shiny and clean. BIG BONUS his coat may be rough like a terrier but does NOT SHED just like a Yorkie.
    He has settled in so well its unbelivable you would think he was born and raised in our home. We have had no accidents in the houes wooo hooo and he is getting on great with our dogs. Sophie was unsure of him at first and took no nonsence from the active pup. Calum took it all in his stride and was very patient (it paid off) now they are all bounding around the house and garden the best of friends.

    We have had no problems with food and can remove it at will.

    We took Calum out walking with our two this evening and it went better than we could have hoped for. He is great on a lead and had no problem when we met a few of our doggie friends and people on the way. So no problems with dogs or people of any age even the hyper children. He is so sturdy he can handle all the rough and tumble. We all love him so much and its only been a couple of days. Anyone would be lucky to have him in their life.

    Calums first bath :P

    Relaxing after his bath

    Dinner with friends

    Relaxing watching TV

    Love to chew

    Calums first walk

    Worn out after a long walk (spot the second yorkie)


    :D How fabulous, I am having a happy day today, superb photographs, what a little honey.


    Great News !!!
    Calum had a visit today with a wonderfull lady who was interested in adopting him. She fell for him straight away and now it looks Calum has found his forever home with her and her family ( looks like its a perfect match) :P

    We are delighted he is such a wonderfull dog, he is going to make his new family so happy.

    Fingers crossed all goes well with the adoption and Calum can start his new life soon with this kind and loving family. :P


    Calum is a wonderfull dog and he is going to bring so much joy to his new family. :)
    He had a little cough for a couple of days but it didnt get him down he was full of life just like a puppy should be.
    He is much better now and patiently waitiing to go to his new forever home. We will miss him so much, it wont be the same without him. Sophie and Bailey will not know what to do when their new brother leaves as they all get along so well. :cry:


    Today Callum’s new Mam Mary took him to his forever home. Sophie Bailey and Jake all miss him but there settling down again without their best friend. He was so happy going to his new forever home and his tail wagged so fast I’m supprised it didn’t fall off :lol: He’s deffinately going to be missed, but we wish him and his new family all the best!!! They were definitely meant to be :D


    Great news :D
    Clum is now called Ollie ( super name for the little man ) and is settling right in.
    Mary his new mum has sent some photos and says she will keep us updated which is wonderfull.
    Good luck to them all and we hope they have a wonderful life together :D


    Hi Everybody,

    Just an update on (Callum) now known as Ollie.
    He has settle into his new home so quickly, as I write this he is curled up at the fire watching eastenders :lol:

    We would like to thank Eddie, Mary, Elaine & Rachel for being such a great foster family, they have given little Ollie a fantastic start.
    He could not have wished for better himself.

    Will post some photos soon, Thanks again to everyone at DID for giving us our little bundle of love :D


    Jus a few pic’s of ollie as promised :D


    Great to see the little man again. Thanks Mary :D


    :( Dog pound to :shock: watching Eastenders – what a different world Olie is now living in! :lol: Nice end to a sad story.


    Ollies forever family posted up a little update on our facebook page:

    Hi all at DID, we got our gorgeous little Ollie (Callum) from you in March 2010. He’s brought us great joy over the last year & he’s the best little guy ever……and Soooo cute!!. Thanks so much to every one at DID.

    Elaine Johnston

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