Buster – Terrier x – HOMED

Buster – Terrier x – HOMED

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  • #101727

    how is this little guy now ? loving the irish teamed pics :)


    Hey folks, really sorry to have taken so long to provide an update on Buster but we have all been too busy spoiling him rotten. Needless to say everyone that encounters him loves him to bits and he has settled in well. As both my parents are retired he has constant company and being a clingy little fella he loves that.

    My folks treat him like a second son and even see more of me as I kidnap him on a regular basis for trips up Killiney Hill and weekends away.

    I’ve attached a few photos.



    great photos


    :o I totally agree, they are indeed great photos. Well done ;)


    Thanks but all about the model : )


    Buster is holidaying here with Rossi, Tess, Nikitta and me although I may as well not be here …..he is so thrilled to have four legged friends to play with that last night it was just before midnight before the madness stopped….

    He slept solid in his little bed tucked up with his blanket and pillow….but the rest of the pack wanted to get in with him so funny watching them queue up to see who he was going to get to snuggle down with him and Tess won out.

    He is a great little character and is cherished so much by his family….
    Dogs In Distress 002.JPG
    Dogs In Distress 003.JPG
    Dogs In Distress 004.JPG


    I only logged on to check something out and saw Buster’s update, he looks great. I am so happy he is now in a lovely home, he is a great little dog and so gentle too .


    Buster and his folks have joined the foster families and have taken in Twinkle till we find her a forever home……

    Buster was so excited with her arrival and was busy wrestling and showing her around his happy endings home.

    2011-06 Tilly 006.JPG
    2011-06 Tilly 010.JPG


    Buster is doing great a credit to Rita and Derek

    He is with us just for the halloween and bless him he has tried teaching Velvet to play more…..he is so funny when she isn’t sure of what he wants her to do he just robs either her favourite toy Tiggy or a tennis ball and runs up to her and practically shoves it in her face as if to say come on NOW PLAY!

    But we have worn him out bless him!

    ‘s Visitors 015.JPG
    ‘s Visitors 010.JPG


    Great to see Buster again ! Such a beautiful dog.It seems ages since he was here and we often wondered how much he would grow because sometimes when you go back and look at them the difference can be quite amazing but Buster looks the same ! A happy dog !


    2012-01 Phone Photos 004.JPG
    2012-02 Doggies 004.JPG
    2012-02 Doggies 005.JPG

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