Buddy – ref 423 – 8yrs – Collie X – HOMED

Buddy – ref 423 – 8yrs – Collie X – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Buddy – ref 423 – 8yrs – Collie X – HOMED

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    Oh yes!
    I’ve been thinking a lot about that… and I am sure that’s the right decision.

    Buddy is a lovely dog as I said for pages here..
    Now he has been with us for…? almost 4 months?
    Well, we are so attached to him, the two dogs gets on really well and he is so easy to manage, so affectionate and improving every day… no, I couldn’t think to let him go..

    Before fostering Buddy I thought I would adopt a young sister for Jago.
    My dog Jago is hyper active and my idea was that having two youngs they could play together for hours.
    The real experience is different.
    Buddy plays with Jago, but teaches him also to be quiet.
    Jago teaches Buddy how to be again a "puppy".
    Two young dogs sometimes can be two crazy happy "devils" running around the house.. an older dogs can teach a lot about calm and Love.

    I don’t know really how to explain that.. but for me, to see an "older" dog having a new opportunity, a new family is a fantastic thing.
    But as said, Buddy is adopting us especially his new "brother" Jago!


    Thank you Francesca for making Buddy part of your family….you have explained brilliantly how a young & older dog can match and hopefully this will encourage other people to adopt a slightly older dog… ;)


    What a perfectly simple explanation of a perfectly happy ending…..young and old combinations rock and its what makes every family complete!


    Long time I don’t write here, but I am so happy that I have to share with you!
    Buddy is a fantastic dog!!
    I am sad and surprised that nobody showed interest in him… but I have been so lucky!!

    He changed a lot in the past few months, since I got him in foster.
    He was shy, affectionate but shy. With me, very friendly but shy to cuddle, always ready to come when called.

    Now he is much more confident… and since few days he started to play by himself as a crazy puppy!
    before he was always playing if invited by me or jago… now he takes initiative!

    He is so good with dogs, in the car, with people, with kids, with Jago.
    They are best friends, always together and never fights, never any argument, they share the bed, food, water, toys, everything!

    Well I would write more and more, because I am so happy of Buddy and I can say that we built a fantastic relationship!

    francesca – jago & buddy!



    Francesca he looks so happy! I remember Buddy well, I picked him up from the pound and brought him to you and he was the sweetest boy, so gentle and quiet. Looks like he’s really come out of his shell. Delighted that it worked out so well for you, Jago and Buddy. What a happy ending! :D


    Hi everybody,
    now it’s more than 1 year that Buddy is part of our family.
    I am so happy because he is a great dog, we love each other a lot and I think he is enjoying his time with us.
    He shows a lot of love and has fun with other dogs, people, walks and new experiences.

    If you want to see some photos of Buddy (and Jago, my other dog, plus other friends dogs) I update here quite often:



    Thank you …it is great to see happy endings :D

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