Buddy – ref 423 – 8yrs – Collie X – HOMED

Buddy – ref 423 – 8yrs – Collie X – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Buddy – ref 423 – 8yrs – Collie X – HOMED

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    This boy is gone into foster with Francesca who will update soon ;)


    Buddy at home!
    He met my dog Jago and he is relaxing!
    We went for a walk and quick game with the ball :)

    He is very friendly with me and loves cuddles
    2013-09-05 17.50.24.jpg
    2013-09-05 18.05.51.jpg
    2013-09-05 18.14.16.jpg


    So yesterday after the walk we have been at home playing ball and Jago and Buddy started to interact.
    Buddy is very gentle with my dog. They never had any fight or aggression or sign of disconfort.
    I think they are still trying to understand the hierarchy, but as I see in a nice way.

    Last night Buddy slept in a dog bed not in my room and no problems, no crying no barking.
    Today he was a bit sad and crying when I left home (my flatmate is at home and told me) but I went for lunch and he had a new fantastic tennisball and a special bone to chew :)

    I am updating the experience on my blog as well here:


    (if there is a problem with me posting the link you can remove it)


    I am not able to upload here the video,
    but here a link of buddy playing with Jago and a girl

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNC8Wkl … e=youtu.be


    Buddy is doing GREAT!
    He sleeps and eat properly and he is relaxed at home and on walk!
    Yesterday we went to bark in the park in phoenix park, he met a lot of people and dogs and no signs of disconfort or aggression.

    My only concern was a bit of separation anxiety and this is solved as well!
    Yesterday I left the dogs at home with my pc recording and no 1 bark or 1 cry for 2 hours!
    I am glad and super happy for that!

    With Jago is going everyday better, they play ball together and they share the toys and the beds with no issue!

    (my diary is still going on my page http://adogpaw.blogspot.ie/2013/09/fost … day-2.html )

    It’s a great experience to have Buddy with us!


    with buddy everything is going great!
    Here a "training session" with the two dogs :D



    After a bit of recall test and training we have decided today to go to the beach!
    Buddy and Jago had a lot of fun together playing with the ball on the beach, water, meeting other dogs.
    Buddy is fantastic with every dog he meets.
    Yesterday a dog has shown an aggressive growl (not too bad, but was a biiig dog) and Buddy didn’t react, he came next to me and was such a good boy!!

    Today he had a bath as well :P poor him was a bit scared but he let me do everything without complains!

    Here the photos of portmarnock beach!

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/91956742@N … 734606549/

    he is now more active and has more energies compared to the first days…


    It’s so nice to see what a fantastic job you are doing Francesca – Buddy is a lucky boy to have you as his foster mum. It puts a smile on the face to see such a lovely gently boy doing so well!! I have my fingers and toes crossed that Buddy will find his forever family soon.


    Thanks Marie,
    Buddy and Jago are two fantastic dogs.
    I am really suprised and never thought it could have been so easy for them to get used one to the other.
    My dog Jago is an angel, he accepts to share everything with Buddy.
    Buddy it’s now really part of the house, happy dog and never ever aggressive or stressed.

    He really loves walks and play with the ball, but also relaxing and sleep :)
    Now I have two tennisball obsessed dogs in the house, they have around I don’t know how many dogs and it’s so nice to see them playing together and waiting for me to play with them!

    I just did a short video now, while typing they still want to play (sorry for the conditions of my living room :P ) but indoor as it’s raining!
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=814gOSv … e=youtu.be

    we went for nice walks in the weekend and Buddy is friendly with all the people and all the dogs.

    He is really a lovely and easy dog and would be a great pet he still has a lot of energies and love to give!

    Photos of other walks here :)

    (ah, he really loves swimming!!)


    Sorry for not updating for a while!
    Buddy is doing great and he is part of the "family" really.

    I have been away on holidays for a week and my flatmate and a dog sitter took care of Jago and Buddy.
    Well no problems at all!
    He is so nice with all people and all dogs, recall is fantastic, walking on lead he is good, always obedient and always enjoy so much his walks!!!

    I can really say that now he has much more energies than the first week.
    He is running a lot with Jago playing with the tennis ball, but he loves to watch a movie with us in the evening as well :)

    He is very very sweet and affectionate!!

    Here a photo of yesterday.. we were at the park, the dogs were helping me studying



    Just a quick update from us :)
    I had unfortunately a knee injury… so I am working from home and these are my new colleagues!!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slhg4-IU … e=youtu.be

    Buddy now has a lot of fun playing with Jago and is much more confident!


    And here some new videos with Buddy and Jago!
    They really love each other!




    Brilliant ;)


    I had to share this with you!!
    Unfortunately my dog Jago destroyed my phone so I cannot make videos…
    but tonight Buddy is feeling a puppy again!!!

    for the first time he is acting "crazy" as a super young dog, playing with a bone, running after him and being super happy!
    He is going to ask Jago to play tug o’war while usually is the opposite!

    It made me laugh a lot, I was surprised when I heard him running and jumping around the bone and even Jago was looking at me and at him like that: :o :shock:

    I am really happy and it’s fantastic to see how Buddy is changing day after day, feeling always more confident and happy!!!

    Buddy is a fantastic dog, we really love him :)


    This lovely boy has adopted his foster family :D

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