Bud – Beagle X pup – HOMED

Bud – Beagle X pup – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bud – Beagle X pup – HOMED

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    Bud is a brilliant pup i love him to be bits already. But in saying that i think he is Dachsund X though he is long with stumpy legs bit of a sausage dog in him :lol: :lol: :lol: . He is so quite tho and gives it socks with his sisters he is well able for them. He is the smallest of the 3 i have and i meet Liz’s 2 last night and i think he is a wee bit smaller than her’s too.
    He is a pic of the little guy…..


    Well the pretty bud is going to his new home tomoro i knew he wouldnt last long till he was whipped.. He is such a sweet heart with his stumpy legs and he lovely markings he is just the business. here is some pic’s of him..


    The lovely bud went off to his new home last night… Best of luck little man.. I got an update this morning and he is settling in well….


    Just an update on this little guy which i just recieved….
    After a bit of a scare cos bud ate there sweeping brush and felt a little unwell he is grand now and settling well…. He is a very lovable social dog and very playfull. He loves to curl up on the siofa with us in the evenings and has made himself very much at home.. He has settled down at night with no crying or barking at all and his toilet training is getting very good hardly any accidents at all, he goes out the back most of the time or on the paper at the door. He is already understanding a few things like sit and give paw.. He really is the best dog every.. I will send more updates and pic’s as he gets bigger..


    Just a little update on the lovely bud..

    He got his final vax 2 weeks ago and is now out loving his walks.. He gets on great and has great fun playing with Adam on the green. He is handling the lead vey well and is really well behaved out walking. He has grown a little bigger as well. Here are some pic’s of the little cutie…


    Bud Now :D


    hi all bud here just a little update on how im doing well im a big boy now i had my first birthday a few weeks ago my family gave me a lil party ….. i had lots of fun and doggie treats and i got a pressie of a new pirate collar and lots of squeaky toys my favourite is a spotty cow which everyone throws for me to fetch lots of fun i can last for hours ha ha. i love my walks and have made lots of friends on the green there is buster the cocker spaniel and sandy the lab bertie the bulldog and fernando we have lots of fun and run for ages. me and adam play for ages every day and he loves me.i get lots and lots of cuddles and rubs everyday and my family take real good care of me i am off to the vets this week to get my nails cut for christmas i dont like that very much,but i have a large xmas stocking with my name on it i wonder what santa will leave me im hoping a squeaky pig and some treats im going to my nanas for a sleepover with my family it should be fun they have a doggie called tia i can play with well thats it for now im off out to the green for a run around with my buddies im sure my mammy will send in a few photos of me soon …….there are lots she sent some up to date pics to my foster mammy catherine a while ago hope you all have a really good christmas at dogs in distress talk soon woof woof bud xx.ps im loving the snow



    Hi all just a quick update about bud he is almost two years old now and is an absolute dote we can hardly remember what it was like without him now him

    Adam have become the best of friends and are both thick as thieves ha ha his favourite thing in the world is a ball he will play fetch with it for hours and he loves head butting balloons.

    He must know im writing about him cause he is lying on the bed beside me on his back waiting on a tummy rub i have attached a few pics of our lil bud



    From Buds family :D

    Hey all a quick update on the main boy Bud as you can see he has grown up quite well and is well at home he even has his own couch we had a new arrival recently and were worried about jealousy but he is so protective of the baby its scary I know they will be best buds hope you like the photos lots more to follow sorry its been so long since last update


    here is our big boy all cozy on the sofa with his hot water bottle an cushion he ain’t going out in that weather any time soon # loveshiscomfort

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