Bubbles – 8 WK OLD PUPPY

Bubbles – 8 WK OLD PUPPY

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bubbles – 8 WK OLD PUPPY

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    Well a lovely couple came up to visit Bubbles this morning and they fell in love with her just like we knew they would! ;)
    She even met her new brother – to – be Ben! :lol: ;)
    They are coming up to bring her home on Saturday week , all going well! :)


    At long last, Bubbles is ready to go to her forever home having endured 2 courses of antibiotics for kennel cough! All four of our babies caught this – it was like a canine bronchial unit here. She will be vaxed and microchipped this week and then off she goes. She is an absolute sweetheart and everyone in the house, both canine and human, LOVE her to bits. She is just about toilet trained and will go outside – except when there is too much excitement inside and she gets carried away!! We will miss her terribly but she is going to a lovely home with Neil and Fidelma. All the best, little one!!


    Are you sure Colgan family you are letting this little one go :lol: :lol: :lol: . Wont be surprised if I see a little head peeking out from a jacket when on my travels in the park. ;) ;) ;) . Maura


    Well, Bubbles is DEFINITELY gone – aren’t we great!!! Fidelma came for her last night bearing gifts for us all – sweets for the humans, pigs ears for our own three and a brand new collar and lead for Bubbles. We were sad to let her go but thrilled to see her go to a wonderful home with three other dogs and real dog loving humans!!
    All the very best, my little baby. Have a happy life!!!

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