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    Little Leah has been with us since Wednesday and she has settled in great :) , Effy is so happy to have someone to play with and they get on great . She is great with the kids no problems there loves her cuddles and slept all night the first night and still does she wakes up when we come down :D . Leah is a fab little girl and always goes out to do her business no accidents at all .
    2012-05-25 21.05.54.jpg


    Hey, has Leah been homed yet? My 8yr old terrier/shih tzu passed away recently and my home has been so empty with out a bark :( she is soo cute an ideally what i am looking for, small petite.


    Leah is indeed still available for adoption.

    If your are interested in adopting from Dogs In Distress please fill out an application in the forms & downloads section and email it in. Then someone will get back in contact.


    I went to visit my sis today and i met Leah and i have to say she is AMAZING!!!

    She really is so unique and her personality is just pure fun.
    I could spend all day with her just watching her, she is a great little pup who is just thriving in sandras house.

    I really hope she never grows into those ears :lol: :lol:
    lil leah.jpg


    Leah is having a great time here she is very funny and loves to play :D , still no accidents in the house she tells you when she needs to go (no she doesn’t talk ) she barks to let you know if the door isn’t open ;) . She sleeps all night once she has her teddy to snuggle up too,,, she is a great little girl and we are really enjoying fostering her so easy to as she is a very happy , cute , girl. In the picture she hopped into my gym bag she loved it so now i have to put it up as every time i put it on floor she goes in . :lol: :lol:


    This little lady will be heading off to her new fantastic family very very soon and they are very excited. She will be joining Rira who im sure will be a great role model to her.

    Cant wait to see her updates :D


    Leah is settling in really well and having great fun with Rírá! They are busy trying to figure out who the boss is at the moment! They have been out fo a walk together and love it, every1 was stopping us to say hello!

    More to follow


    As you can see Leah went off with her new family yesterday :( , very quiet here without her but i know she is going to have a wonderful time and be spoiled rotten,, :D . Great to see she is settling in just fine !! . Thanks


    :D Rírá and Bualadh are bonding very well together, they now sleep in the same bed and play all the time, they are inseperable already! They love having an afternoon nap on the sofa and playing in the garden. They are learning to share and are still not 100% sure who the boss is! They have great fun out walking and Bualadh came to the vet with Rírá this morning to make sure he was ok getting his injections!! so all going really well :lol:


    having fun!


    Aw Lisa they look great together.
    Mind you in the first one it looks like Rira is saying "yuck, no more kisses kibble breath"!!!!!

    It will take a bit of time for them to figure out who is the boss, while Bualadh settles and grows in confidence. As i said you might be suprised by who becomes the big boss in the end ;)


    Thanks Tara, they are just the cutest together! Its mad how quick they bonded and she is well able for him thank god so there was nothing to be worried about! They go everywhere together already and Shona is just delighted with her!! She went to visit her in school and all the kids and muinteor loved her! So we are sooooo happy with her and the pair of them would just melt your heart, especially when they are snuggled up together! They are both off to Shonas sports day today so no doubt they ll be the stars of the show again!! Everyone thinks Bualadh is Rírás puppy!

    Thanks again for everything :lol:



    Búaladh has totally settled into life with us! her and Rírá are always together looking very mischeivious! We had a bit of trouble at feeding time but it’s much better now. When we go to the park Rírá tries to act cool and pretend she is his annoying little sister which last about 2 mins, if it goes on any longer she literally bites him in the ass and they start playing again! it’s very funny. Everyone in the park knows them and stops to say hello :lol: Búaladh loves to snuggle up on the sofa or fall asleep in your arms, she is like a little hot water bottle! They have started digging big holes in the back garden and are very plesed with themselves lol! We are so happy we got her and can’t remember life without her, she is totally part of the family :P


    more pics!


    She would sleep anywhere

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