Bryce – JRT x

Bryce – JRT x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bryce – JRT x

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    Urgent foster needed for Bryce as has taken a dislike to his foster familys dog. If you can help please contact Gwen on
    085 8158201 ;)


    This is sorted now thanks to Cara :D


    Zac, who is very responsive to his new name, arrived in my home last night. He was immediately affectionate and loving. He didn’t seem disturbed that he was in unfamiliar territory, except for the marking of his territory, which has thankfully stopped!

    He LOVES walking. I’m using a short lead which gives him no scope for investigation….let’s see how he progresses.

    Zac is absolutely content to sit in his pen, though he prefers the couch, especially if my mom is on it, he couldn’t stop hugging and licking her.

    He eats pellets happily but I expect he has been feed from the table in the past as I get puppy eyes at dinner time.

    Occasionally he seems nervous if I go to pet his head, though he always allows it. He sometimes seems confused when meeting new people, he’s seems caught between wanting to be friendly and a caution of strangers.


    Urgent foster needed for Bryce. If can help please contact Kathy on 085 8158201 ;)


    Bryce / Zac is a loving dog, he loves affection and snuggles beside me while I relax on the couch. He had a painful day in the vets yesterday but had not complained at all, he’s a good humored, happy dog who adjusts quickly.

    He is learning to ‘sit’. In fact he now thinks sitting is the secret to having every wish come true. I put him in his pen today and he sat, then looked up at me as if to say ‘look, I sat for you, now let me out’!

    Zac made a friend today in the park, and he is already walking buddies with Pepper and Domino.

    Zac pulls on the lead, so we bought a walkrite which makes walking a pleasure again.


    Bryce needs foster from 17th of Feb. as his fosterer is going on holidays. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    Bryce (Zac) gets cuter by the day, tonight he’s discovered that dropping his head across my laptop keyboard gets him petted!!! Last night was his first night to have reign of the house to choose his sleeping spot (till then he was put in a crate like contraption). He chose the couch and he’s welcome to sleep there in future.

    I found Zac at one point without his hat (the collar given after neutering) I picked it up, and he offered me his head to put the hat back on!!!

    He has learnt to sit, but I’m not convinced he knows that he should sit when he hears the word, rather than when he wants a treat. He thinks sitting is the key to my heart so tries it at every opportunity. He’s starting to sit (sit, jump up, sit, jump-up) before walkies which is super.


    so happy for this little man finding his forever home!! :D


    Zac is now in forever home. He has settled in really well. He knows how to pull on the heart strings and get what he wants. He’s responding well to training and his walking has improved over the last week. We are so happy to have the extra company in the house. He the new boss around here. Many thanks to all involved and we’ll upload photo’s soon.


    Just a few photos to keep everyone updated. He’s settling in very well.


    delighted for him and you hope you have many happy years with him


    He looks gorgeous & really happy! I love the photos

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