Here are some action shots from this mornings walk on the you can see dawn was only breaking I will update again when it’s Lottie’s birthday. DSCF1071 – Copy.JPG DSCF1072.JPG DSCF1068.JPG
Lottie is over two now and doing really well. She loves the kids and her walks and is great fun. She also really likes the couch and her ‘brother’ Toby!! DSCF0007.JPG DSCF1143.JPG
Lottie is three now and doing great. She is a great friend and we can’t believe she has been with us three years already!! P03-04-11_11-13.jpg DSC02675.JPG
Lottie and her little pal Toby would just like to check in and let everyone know they are doing great and have really enjoyed their summer but are looking forward to the kids going back this week so they can get some rest!!LOL. Summer holidays are tiring! DSCF2296.JPG