Brianna – JRT

Brianna – JRT

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Brianna – JRT

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    :) How is the beautiful little Brianna getting along in her foster home? Lovely photos of her, she looks really sweet, I really hope she managed to miss all the infections going round the pound.


    Hi, Brianna who we have named Noah has been doing great, she is just getting over Kennel cough and is coming out of her shell more and more each day. Amazingly calm and relaxed dog but loves to run in the park and is great on the lead. Loves to go for long walks and passes out on the couch for long snoozes after.


    Nice to know she is on the right road and I am pleased she has managed to stay quite healthy, barring the kennel cough, after her stay in the pound. Bet she can’t believe her luck to have landed in a nice warm home with good caring people. Lovely, sweet little dog.:D


    Just a quick update on Noah (Formely Brianna). After fostering Noah for a few weeks she and our own pup started to fall in Love, they were so cute togehter that we knew that we had no choice but to keep. 5 Weeks after fostering her we were told by the vet that she was pregnant and would give birth any day LOL

    Two days later 5 beautiful pups arrived. Poor Noahs emotions were all over the place and she was determined to keep our other pup away from her pups at any cost, we had to remove him from the house for the next following 4 weeks. Poor guy was passed around my family members who were taking turns minding him. Once the pups were 8 weeks they went into foster care so that Poor Noah could be given a chance to recover from the whole ordeal. She was great about the pups leaving and two days later her old pal Javi returned to the house. She was so happy to see him but he was still a little shaky around her.

    Amazing Noah has been changing ever since giving birth to the pups, 5 months after the pups were rehomed she suddenly started to look and act like a puppy again. Her personality grew so much and she is like a different little pup now. We adore her and Javi adores her just as much. Its so nice to see all the updates on all the pups and to see that they are all in such loving homes.

    Here are a couple of pics of Noah from the last year ;)


    Noah running so fast in the snow that she is about one foot off the ground LOL

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