Brett – Red Setter

Brett – Red Setter

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Brett – Red Setter

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    Walked Brett yestereday in the pound. He is beautiful, only a young dog, quite skinny needs some conditioning. He is not very tall for a red setter, definitely on the more petite side. He is very puppy like in his behaviour, exuberant and full of energy. Calms down after awhile. Great with other dogs big and small, happy out. Big tail wagger, big licker, big baby really. Heard he was going into foster yesterday, not sure if that materialized. Cannot believe he’s not been snapped up.


    We currently have the lovely Brett in foster with us since yesterday.
    He is such a lovely boy, extremely clever and had us laughing all day yesterday with his antics!
    He is great in the car, not a peep out of him on the way home to our house. He can open every door in our house ! We had to lock our back kitchen (where he is sleeping) last night or he would have been up in the bed with us in minutes! Loves his cuddles and playing and he has a squeaky mouse which he wont go anywhere without!

    On the lead out walking he is fine. He slept great last night apart from the first few minutes when he tried to open the door but he had a busy day yesterday and he soon conked out!


    I’m so delighted that Brett is in foster care with you I walked him a couple of weekends ago and he is such a dote I just wanted to bring him home with us but we had Baxter in foster at the time. Anyone who provides him with a forever home will be the luckiest family as he is such a pet and will provide them with so much unconditional love.


    look at that beauty! Am so so happy to see this lovely guy out and many lovely doggies in the pound! they all deserve a chance..


    It has made my heart smile to see Brett is such good care. My heart cries a lot these days so its good to smile :D


    Brett is getting on great, hes so playful , and so so clever! As u can see from the pics the squeaky mouse is his new best friend, he carries it around all day and even fell asleep with it in his mouth last night! :D Whoever gets Brett is so lucky, hes a wonderful companion to have!


    :D :D :D :D
    What a joy to see!


    We have Brett a week now, hes a little gem. Hes well housetrained, knows his basic commands. He has a bit of a tummy bug but hes on tablets so hopefully thats sorted soon, hes very cuddly, all my family are totally under his charm and hes great with new people. hes grand on his own but a home with another dog would suit him so he has someone to play with . Hes full of energy!


    Is this lovely fella still in foster care? I’m hoping to adopt, have passed my house check and would love to meet him. Thanks, Elaine.


    Hi Elaine,

    Brett is already reserved for another family.

    Whoever they are , are very lucky! :)


    Just a short update on Brett! We have Brett (known now as biggie to all!) 5 months and we are so happy with him. Hes a dote, full of energy and cuddles! we couldnt imagine life without him.

    Heres some pics
    brett june 2010.JPG

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