Breezer – Dobermann – HOMED

Breezer – Dobermann – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Breezer – Dobermann – HOMED

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    Just to let you all know, Breezer has settled in great. He loves my other Dog and all the horses. Everyone who has met him, adores him. He has grown a good bit taller since he has arrived. We are trying to teach him some agility stuff but so far he’s not overly impressed, even though he has shown he has the talent for it. His ideal life would be sleep and eat. He is a couch potato!! My other dog is good at agility so he is starting to copy her. He’ll do anything as long as there is food involved!!


    So pleased Breezer has settled in. Look forward to seeing some pics in his new home soon!


    I remember this chap in Ashton, he was a little pet. Great to see he has a brill home to call his own :D


    Breezer now!


    What a gorgeous dog! :o :D
    We have a dog who we think it dobie x and he is great so I’m sure Breezer is to! ;) :D


    What a handsome boy! I recognise some of the ‘dobie’ poses as my own lad pulls the same ones! Love the pic of the Santa get up its amazing how they will let you put any costume on them so long as you are touching them!

    Wishing you continued happiness with him – they are not too common here and its hard to put into words what owning one is like. I have never met another dog who just simply craves your company all the time and even when sleeping needs to be near you!

    I had to laugh at the agility training we tried with him too but like you said he is just not too bothered at all with it!

    They are by nature a companion and a protector but most importantly they are a true friend and I would never be without my boy now!

    A very misunderstood breed who in the right hands can make one of the most loving animals ever!


    Dave and I are thrilled with the update and photos guys!!! We adored Breezer and it was a pleasure meeting you on your home visit. If it wasn’t for Lorraine in Wexford fostering him for so long he would never have had the opportunity to meet you guys and find such a fabulous forever home.
    Dobermans are the most amazing dogs but possible the hardest to rehome. They are the most loyal and loving of dogs and Breezer is a particularly lovely example. He is a lovely size and got on great with Lorraine’s dogs (and when we brought him down hardly looked at her cat!). He was excellent in the jeep on what was a long journey (our own Danu hates the car which is typical of a lot of dobies). I know fom Lorraine Breezer loved to sun bath like our own big man! Doberman are demandingly affectionate (I am trying to write this and protect the laptop!) and no dog will love you like a dobie!! They can be v strong on the lead and need a lot of exercise and some (Breezer and our own Danu adore people and other dogs) can be a little nervous of strangers. Dobies wear their huge hearts on their sleeves though and their temperments are always v obvious. We discovered last October 12 month what everyone in Germany knows – Great Danes and Dobies are best buddies and live together like no other dogs can!!! God bless you for giving Breezer and his sister such a lovely home and please keep us updated!!!


    Breezers owners posted this to the Dogs in Distress Facebook site! Great Picture!! His foster family will be delighted to see him enjoying the snow and wrapped up warm!! :D

    DID Rescue

    Wow what a fab photo and yes he really is wrapped up warm, just what Dobie’s need, they so don’t do cold or wet.


    What a beautiful boy! Oh, he looks so happy.

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