Brandon – Bearded Terrier x *HOMED*

Brandon – Bearded Terrier x *HOMED*

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    Thanks Buzzsmom and laurac!

    Brandon had the long awaited 1st trip to the groomers today. He was good with resident groomer’s dog, Riley. Nice to Jenny the groomer initially for the rough cut and then she gave him the usual break. He then gave her a tough time for phase 2 (completely the opposite of the average dog, they start off giving the grief). Jenny did a smashing job and said he was a good boy with all the other dogs…turns out I’m a nervous Nellie!!


    He looks great ,what a face, big kiss to him from me


    Brandon’s improving all the time. He’s now an avid tail wagger. He’s becoming very open to new experiences. He was on his holidays in Co Antrim a couple of weeks ago and met sheep, a donkey, a pony, a horse and 2 llamas (they were in the field next to the cottage we stayed in).

    We went to get him a behavioural blood panel done to see if there’s a medical reason for why Brandon’s getting worried around other dogs. He’s put on a lot of weight since getting neutered, like a 25% increase. He was basically normal but some of the liver tests were just above normal, nothing significant, no toxicity but I’d be inclined to watch how much he drinks and urinates. Did an xray, hips looked fine but clinically stiff, eyes clear.

    He’s finished level 2 obedience with DTI just before his holidays. He went back for the Wednesday Club and was great in class, off the lead with 4 other dogs and really paying no heed, doing his training as good as gold. With time he’s less worried about other dogs. The technique of asking him to "watch me" works for him. No pressure to meet and greet the other dogs.

    Some pics.


    he looks fantastic sounds like a good holiday was had by all


    Thanks so much Elaine – he looks great – you have done a fantastaic job with him – well done ;)


    Thanks Kathy, meant to say we have him now since the 2nd of February and adopted him the 2nd of May and we’re delighted we got the opportunity to have met him in the first place thanks to Dogs in Distress.

    For anyone thinking of fostering from the pound or adopting from Dogs in Distress I’d recommend doing it. It’s really rewarding seeing a dog like Brandon grow in confidence and making up for lost time enjoying all the things a dog should be experiencing.

    Thanks a million to Kathy for supporting us all the way through with the whole process. We’ll hopefully foster again when we feel Brandon is comfortable meeting new dogs.


    Hey there, whatcha cookin?

    Looking for your wellie? Aint seen it, nor have I buried the Thorntons sweets you put in your bag last week to bring into work, nope not hidden the chocolate digestives at the end of the garden!



    Lovely pics of Brandon..met this gorgeous fella up at DTI. He is so good and happy and didn’t even seem to mind when Lola and I stole his toy by mistake in class :oops: What a pet…


    Sleep time…the two dogs are washed and in bed ready for Sunday and the Funday! They’re making me a bit zzzzz

    DID Rescue

    Well done guys stocking up on the energy levels……… will need it lots of things to do on Sunday and lots of old friends to sniff and catch up with zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


    Hi all, it’s Brandon here! I’ve an update. I enjoy having another dog to follow around and Dabs isn’t that bad as a big brother. Sometimes I tell him off for eating squeeky toys or crying when he hears fireworks. I like things to be very stable. Dabs isn’t like me, he can’t stand Halloween bangers so we all went off on holiday to a quiet part of Waterford for some peace.

    I like bangers and thunder…I’m very unusual and I need to look out the window and yell out because it’s exciting. I went swimming on my holidays and even had a haircut in a mobile dog groomer’s van. I was very good but certainly didn’t like a noisy hairdryer near my head and I told the groomer off.
    I had to go to the vets there because I got a rash all on my underbelly. The vet said I might have an allergy to the laminate floor polish. Now I’m back I’m fine. I’m getting really confident now, I wag my tail lots and I’m not scared if someone I don’t know tries to rub me (sometimes I’ll even go up to someone I hardly know looking for a rub, people aren’t as bad as I remember).
    Sometimes I forget I don’t get along with dogs and I meet up with Sonic and realise she’s a nice dog and very polite… then I remember I don’t like dogs again when Oscar, Dougal and Coco come along (they’re all Dabs’ friends and they make me nervous because they are giddy).

    I’m a great help to my person, when she forgets she’s supposed to get up and give me a walk I remind her by taking one of her shoes and walking around the room with it so she must get out of bed to get it back :0). I’ll jump on the bed and grumble until she opens the curtain for me to look out, she says I’m very cheeky. If grandad is eating too many biscuits I’ll take the packet and hide it in the back garden for a few weeks and bring them back in when they are all muddy and then he says he doesn’t want them.




    They look great , love Brandon’s portrait photo

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