Brandon – Bearded Terrier x *HOMED*

Brandon – Bearded Terrier x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Brandon – Bearded Terrier x *HOMED*

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    he looks as though he is laughing into the camera lens, he really is a gorgeous dog


    Brandon’s leaning over the back of the sofa, to see the table :o !
    Lesson 4, the final: Brandon learned recall. It was fun because he had a special long lead on which meant he decided he could have a good nose around. He peeped around the back area and spotted a puppy. His trainer from week 1 and 2, Laura, was assisting this time and came around and he gave her massive hugs. He climbed his front paws up her arm and swung his tail around while she massaged his back, he loved that. The best bit was he dot rewards for learning "come here". He doesn’t like being touched near his collar, makes him not want his rewards. The kind ladies at DTI sent an info sheet on dog handling to help us out. OHHHH and the best bit was Maddie, she’s a young labradoodle (i think)…well Brandon on his lond lead went around her and she him in a circle and it was all happiness, licks and rewards. I was DELIGHTED!!! The family who gets Brandon will have a smashing dog. He will come with his own training notes and the ladies at DTI said they are happy to be contacted if Brandon’s new family need advice. Thanks!!!


    Well done Brandon, what a clever dog, is his coat as soft as it looks?If I won the lotto he would be in my gang


    Its dogs like Brandon that really make me love my job :) Week 1 in the corner and worried and by week 4 walking around nice and relaxed, saying hello to dogs and giving big hugs and kisses to the humans!!! He is a really, really special boy, such a gentle loving dog and so handsome too, I hope he gets that special home that he deserves xx


    We went to visit Brandon and his brilliant foster family this morning. He is so happy and they love him so much they have decided to become his forever family. Congratulations and well done – he couldnt have asked for a better home :D


    that’s fantastic news. well done guys .. he’s such a cutie :D


    Thanks to DID for keeping a super dog alive. We are delighted that we were given the opportunity to keep him. I wanted to write something here about Brandon, a sort of diary of a failed fosterer :roll:

    We didn’t foster dogs before Brandon, we had no plans to hold on to him :lol: . In the initial few days he broke our hearts. He used his power of speed and determination to force his way through every door in the house…especially the front one… :o He meant business too, on day 3 he ran to Tibradden mountain, some 8 miles away! The local lady who spotted him checked his collar and called us. She worried farmers shoot dogs in them parts because it’s a sheep area :shock: . He started scraps with other dogs of all shapes and sizes, including my dog Dabs, who is really a gentle giant :cry: . He’d go out of his way to avoid the car, even passing it was a big deal.

    My dad used to say there’s a lovely dog in there just waiting to get out. He was right! In a matter of weeks we started to see a great pet who had a few specific behavioural issues needing work. I started to go to DTI classes with him and couldn’t believe how difficult being around other dogs and strangers was for him. He had to endure the long car trip to the classes and curled up in the seat well. In the first class his tail was down the whole time. He worked terribly hard to do what we asked of him in the classes. His confidence started to grow and I saw progress both in and outside class, a real change in him. He became buddies with Dabs and was sweet to him when he had his knee operation. He sits beside me on the passenger seat of the car now and I chat to him about rubbish on the radio. Before I knew it we had a strong bond. He’d done it, he had my heart ;) !

    Welcome home Brandon!


    Lucky Brandon! That’s brilliant news. Well done for working so hard to find the wonderful doggy underneath the madness! I hope you all have years of happiness together.


    What a wonderful story and such a happy ending to it for Brandon…delighted for you all.


    Thanks for the well wishes, it’s lovely to see. As I was sitting here typing this I was called outside by dad to get a toy windmill back of Brandon. He ran past my dad in the kitchen at high speed, out the kitchen door and under the oil tank. When I got outside there was a bit of silver to be seen and Brandon using his nose to push soil over the toy with great determination :lol: :lol: I’m thinking that windmill was up high on a sideboard in the living room…I’m thinking what else has gone missing recently?! Yeap he’s out of his shell alright!


    Maaaaam, Dabs won’t move over for me!!!


    Brandon, the lovely dog


    I’m so happy for you and Brandon, I really, truely am! He is a gorgeous dog, you are a great match! I’m teary eyes of happiness for him xxx


    I am so thrilled about this dog , he is gorgeous and is with the best possible family for him.Congratulations to all Brandon and Dabs and humans.I hope you have many happy years together. Love from Pippa Buzz and crew

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