Brandon – Bearded Terrier x *HOMED*

Brandon – Bearded Terrier x *HOMED*

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    The teddy is nearly bigger than he is!!! ;)


    Brandon I suppose would be a medium dog but is a little bundle of fluff! So the night before the vet visit! I hope it goes well tomorrow and he’s not in pain after the little neutering operation. He’s having a rest on the sofa with mam and dad after a big dinner. No brekkie for Brandon in the am!


    Hello, we were wondering how Brandon would get on with small children. We have 3 aged 4 -11 – with lots of friends coming in and out. : :)


    Thanks garville. I can’t say as he has been in a limited social spectrum so far (older people and dog walkers). He’ll be limited in his outings for the next 4-5 days due to recovery from his neutering operation yesterday. It’s hard to say for any dog until they settle in for at least 7-10 days.


    many thanks dogs rule. I see Brandon is out of action for a few days so I will get back in touch early next week if thats ok.


    Brandon was neutered on Wednesday. The day of the operation saw him have a tiff with a DID dog and us have to sit in a quiet area. I put that down to the anxiety we were feeling first time at the vets. Brandon had his check-up last night. He was different this time, happy to greet all the doggies in the waiting room. We’re noticing a great change since his op. Vet says it’ll take up to 2 months for the testosterone hormones to flush out of his system.

    On both occasions he was great with the vet, did all he was asked. Stood on the table and waited.Brandon really has difficulties with being in a car, he tends to not want to get in and would glue himself down on he driver’s lap (and the gears, yikes). We found a workaround. If someone gets in first he’ll simply hop in. He’s reasonably calm now we started to strap him on the back seat and wait until he’s settled before we start the engine. They say dogs can find cars a bit bumpy and I’m thinking he’ll get used to it with patient encouragement.

    What else has Brandon been up to? Well he’s been told to avoid his walks for a few days so he’s taken to sniffing around the garden to do some archeology, he’s been finding VERY old raw hides that Dabs buried a long time ago, yuck. Dabs too has a muddy nose from going back and re-burying them :lol: Dabs is teaching Brandon manners about running through doorways and up the stairs before him. It’s key for Brandon to learn how to behave calmly around other dogs (he can be a bit too enthusiastic with the sniffing and invade their space). He’s a great dog and wants to learn, and picks things up very quickly. :ugeek:


    Brandon’s on the mend! He’s in fine form, eating all his meals (he’s on 2 dinners a day now just like Dabs). He’s taking his antibiotics no bother, sleeping sound and learning the work "wait". Super guy is going to be a stunner when his dermatitis clears up and his stitches come out on Saturday!


    Dabs’ 8th birthday on Sunday! The doggies had chicken! Brandon was very happy and enjoyed the fun.


    Brandon is now accepting pats and rubs while maintaining a nice confident sitting stance. There’s no more submissive roll overs which makes me happy, he has his sense of dignity. He’s good out meeting people and he’s improved his body language around other dogs so they are accepting him. He’s back out for his am and pm walks yesterday for the first time since his op last Wednesday He’s keeping the buster collar on til Saturday but it isn’t stopping him, he’s using it a a mallet, flying through the doggie door! He’s a feisty fella :D


    Dabs and Brandon having a rest before breakfast yesterday.


    Brandon was microchipped tonight and will have his stitches tken out in the morning by the vet. He’s finished his antibiotics this morning and his dermatitis is healing nicely. Brandon is probably approximately 2 years old. He’s high energy and probably suited to children 11+ years. This is based on his age and energy level. He’s very friendly and loads of fun!!




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