Brandon – Bearded Terrier x *HOMED*

Brandon – Bearded Terrier x *HOMED*

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    Name: Brandon

    Reference Number: 75

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Ballymun

    Date Out: 25th January 2010


    We had to take Brandon out for a walk today because he looked up at us from his cage with such a pleading look we were totally suckered. Our suspicions were correct – Brandon is a lovely dog and a gentle soul. At the start of his walk he pulled a little but responded immediatley to the heel command and stopped! We were very impressed. He is another poor fellow who is badly in need of a good bath and brush and after a cosy bed – preferably beside the fire.

    So many needy dogs in the pound today – and it’s so cold and damp. Heartbreaking.


    Walked Brandon today. He had the potential to be strong on the lead but was as gentle as ever walking beside me. He can sit too when presented with a treat, and loved a scratch under the ears…he’d be a good dog to have around… :)


    Didn’t walk Brandon myself but spotted him on my rounds with other doggies. He is badly in need of some tlc, could seriously do with a good bath and groom. He has the potential to be a stunner. He seemed to be walking well on his lead and was calm trotting around. Great with the other dogs.


    I walked brandon on saturday and he was absolutely no bother at all. He is oblivious to other dogs and just loves to potter along in the grass. I gave him some cuddles but it doesnt seem like he is used to getting many of them as he kinda just looked at me as if to say " Ok this is nice!". This guy is in bad state and really needs a good scrub down..what a handsome guy he would be! a lovely dog..absolutely no trouble at all..


    Brandon has slipped far down the Urgent Action Required list. It would be a shame not to give such a great dog a home.

    I’ve spoken to Kathy and myself and my dog will call up to Ashton tomorrow (probably early afternoon). All going well between the two dogs I’m happy to foster Brandon. Elaine


    Brandon is safely in fostercare with Elaine and her family :D Thank you so much ;)


    super news..thank you! a lovely boy Brandon. Best of luck ..


    Photos to come soon! He has puppy-like playfulness. He has been given 2 toys to sleep with and he follows me around carrying one or the other of them. He’s very comfortable in his bed, I think he likes having his own area which I believe is giving him a sense of security. He has great teeth, he’s been great at chewing on the raw hide. Brandon was confident about coming into the house, in sharp contrast to my own dog when we first brought him years ago. The reason for this I feel is that he had my dog showing him around and their were waggy tails aplenty. Brandon has needed very little encouragement to come into the graden and do a "busy boy" (toilets). He loves boiled chicken and is having 3 meals a day to build himself up as he’s been sneezing a bit. I have an 8 year old collie and he and young Brandon are getting on surprisingly well. They both took a walk this morning. Out of the 2 dogs, Brandon was better on the lead. Brandon is attentive, if I stop for my Dog (to pick up "busy boys"), Brandon will come back over by my side without being asked. Brandon loves watching whats happening, very interested in kitchen activities, not alarmed by noise. The areas that require work are his grooming, we left him settle in first and he hit the deck when I tried to lift him which to me indicates a history of rough handling. He really isn’t used to fetching a ball or playing so will give that a priority as he’d enjoy it.



    Brandon is happily eating his science plan puppy food with scrambled egg. He’s been playing tug-o-war today with a raw hide and boy can he jump in the air when he plays with the tennis ball (yes delighted to see him settle in and having fun). He’s had a haircut on Wednesday night (had 4-5 inch mats around his bottom and a few around the front collar area. He had a shower last night with a lovely soothing medicated shampoo and he seemed to enjoy it! He had his worming tablet (thanks for posting it Kathy) this evening hidden in cooked chicken.

    The next step for Brandon is next Wednesday get microchipped and neutered. The vet will give him a full check up then. Despite a fine set of white knashers, one of them is cracked. He has some skin condition that looks like a type of dandruff on his back. I;m going to work on getting him used to getting into the car which he dislikes :cry: I would like to practice recall too (difficult when he doesn’t think he’s called Brandon at all :? )

    A very good young fella so he is! My mum and dad are with him in the day time and love him totally! My dog Dabs is getting used to him following him about. He’s a lovely lad :D


    Who is beautiful after his bath?


    L to R Brandon and Dabs


    What a sweet guy Brandon is!!! He LOVES his mouse (well Dabs dog’s) because he knows how to make it squeak, and hide it (clever lad). He trots around the house wagging his magnificent white and black fluffy tail now. He’s now playing fetch with a tennis ball he’ll race for it and return it and drop it no bother. For the while we’re practicing in a basketball court in a local school because it’s early days and he’s easily distracted by all the exciting things going on around him. I’m happy to say I can handle his food when he’s in the midst of eating and he totally allows me to do so. He accepts treats VERY gently. He has a dog door and goes out by himself when he wants to do a "busy boy".


    what a transformation he is a gorgeous guy .The two make a very handsome pair

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