Bosco – Terrier X (Briannas Puppy) *HOMED*

Bosco – Terrier X (Briannas Puppy) *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Bosco – Terrier X (Briannas Puppy) *HOMED*

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  • #98520
    DID Rescue

    I have to say Yorkie you have done a fantastic job on the updates which are vital to homing but you have gone the extra mile with the captions,,,,,,,,, really fantastic, they cheered me up and made me laugh after a bad day.
    Thank you for all you have done in fostering but more importantly for the great photos, video and very snappy captions.
    I still laugh at the ""dont wake Bosco one up" the look on Pax’s face is just that.
    Look out Yorkies :lol:


    Well has Bosco grown much since his last photo shoot? hope he is doing well!


    How big is Bosco now? He looked huge against Pax and Parker but he could fit inside a coat so wasn’t that big. Lovely puppy dog.


    We would love to meet with Bosco if possible please


    :) Any up-dated on Bosco dog. He has such a sweet, expressive face, a charming little chap.


    :) Hello Bosco. Please herd your foster person towards their camera, strike a pose and please post it onto the site. I am very keen to see how much more grown up you are. Please, pretty please! ;)


    :D Bosco, you little treasure, quick sticks, get onto page one because a little mirror-image of you is there. How are you doing anyway?


    Apologies for the lack of recent posts but unfortunately life took over and time became my enemy for a short while :( . The good news is that time and I have come to an understanding and DID is now back on the top of my to do list ;) .

    My little chum Bosco is just a super little dog as always. He has such a pleasant disposition he gets on with everyone. He hasn’t grown much but he has filled out and almost fits his skin now. He feels like a little dog and a good sturdy one at that.

    Bosco loves to go for walks and he almost knocks himself over his tail wags so much with excitement when he sees his leash coming out :lol:
    He is getting really good outside, the first few seconds are still a bit manic with excitement but after a few paces he settles right into his stride.
    Rachel puts him through his paces every day getting him to sit at the curb and wait for his command to cross. His recall is coming on and he sits on command. Bosco is a really intelligent little dog who is really eager to please.

    Some photos taken last night on his bedtime walk :D .


    Ah thanks a million for the update Eddie….and well done to Rachel on the training he is looking very accomplished at he safe cross code…..I know Indianna is going to be as thrilled as I was to see how this little man is doing!


    :D You are spot on, I am over the moon to catch up with Bosco, handsome and cute as ever. In fact I have now caught up with my three favourite puppies, Bosco, Pax and Bubs. Thank you Yorkie for posting the images of Bosco, love the picture of his person telling him to wait, he is paying very close attention to the advice being given, good boy. His lovely little face looking over the wall, it warms my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


    Brilliant news ! :D
    Bosco met Elaine and her family yesterday, she is going to be his new mum and they are going to take him to his forever home very soon. We couldn’t wish for a better match, they all took to each other straight away it was obvious this was meant to be.
    Elaine’s children were great with Bosco and even took him out for a walk. He is going to be spoiled rotten by his new family we can tell :D .

    The best news is that Bosco is going to have a big sister, her name is COCO she is two years old and is a DID dog also.
    We saw a photo of her but couldn’t meet in person as she is unwell at the moment :( ( nothing serious and she will be back to full health in a matter of days) :D she is the image of little Bosco its amazing, even down to the way his ears hang.
    This adoption was defiantly meant to be. We will be devastated to see our little man go but it’s such a relief to know he is going to live with Elaine and her wonderful family. We know he is going to be so happy and fulfilled there :D .


    :D I am so happy for you Bosco. Look at your flying ears in the running photo, if you run fast enough you may manage to take off, what fun. I hope your new family will let us all know how you get on (lots!). Best wishes.


    Hello all,
    Just to let you know how Bosco is getting on in his forever home. He arrived her yesterday about 5:30pm to meet Coco his new big sister. From the word go they have got on so well. Playing,rolling eachother over and chasing like mad! Bosco seems really attached to her already and is like her shadow as soon as she moves he follows. She has been so good and is letting him share everything of hers, he seems to want to drink out of her bowl and eat out of her feeding bowl rather than his own!They have been out on 2 walks together and it really feels like he has always been with us.We are so lucky to have found such a great pup for us and a great friend for Coco.Will post some photos later
    Elaine, Chris, Alannah & Adam :D


    :) Can’t wait to see Bosco setting off on his new life with his family in tow. Very much looking forward to the photos.


    Bosco and his sister Coco, also adopted from D.I.D. (2yrs ago) :D

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