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    My Dog loves playing with other dogs when shes out and when we bring her back in sometimes she gets mopey and bored.She loves the company of other dogs so should i get another??i like the idea of having two dogs who love to keep each other company at night time?

    Any Ideas??


    eiredavey is this a ploy you are using to convince your wife that the lovely melody needs a buddy :lol: :lol:

    but dogs are VERY social animals,and i know when i just had my first dog bailey he was the same as yours. he got very down after comin home from walks after the excitement of meeting other dogs.
    so we got cassie, and now they are inseperable. plus we have foster doggies comin and goin so he doesnt know his luck!!
    so if you feel you are up to walkin,feedin and you have enough love for 2 ( oh and you dont mind twice the poop :o ) it is worth it.
    my 2 are better dogs cos they have eachother,but thats my lil opinion anyway ;)


    As a family we only ever had one dog at a time ……now I have two(plus) I foster and it has to be said that there really isn’t any extra work they keep each other company and occupied ….. But make sure you have the room and the funds…


    considered two dogs for many years and the bossiness of our Buzz put me off plus advice from the vet saying don’t do it . Then we fostered Pippa and they got on really well there are the daily arguments much like children but nothing serious and when Pippa was spayed Buzz was really kind to her .He got stuck in the river yesterday and she went back for him. I would recommend two, I think the dogs are happier. There is twice the dog poo but you just get used to that , its a daily pick up. There is also the extra wear on the house but that’s decision you have to make . I have no regrets , both are out the back garden at the moment and Pippa is teasing Buzz with her Kong Wubba looking for a chase.


    Would SOOO recommend that you get a pal for your dog! We have 3 (having had one first, then rescued the second one for extra company for himself, and finally our little Roxy), and we wouldnt have it any other way. The one thing I would say to you is to make sure that you have your recall/training etc all complete on your current dog. I know so many people who have had dogs that they themselves would have described as difficult (not for one min suggesting that yours is!) ;) but basically the next dog that was brought along essentially to help modify the existing dog’s behaviour, ended up mimicking the current dog’s behaviour and the family end up with 2 unmanageable dogs. Also, the obvious factors of not taking another dog just so you could leave the first alone for longer periods (again, not suggesting that would be your motivator!), and of course, most importantly, introducing them properly – if you need any advice on that, we’ve been through it, just p.m. me and I’ll help as best as I can. In terms of the financial burden, you could query an additional pet being added to your policy with your pet insurance co and they may do you a deal – we got what is known as a multiple pet discount (on 3 dogs though, so not sure about 2). Finally, I firmly believe (and its only my opinion) that no matter how much love/time/attention you give your dog, there is no substitute (dare I say it!!!) for canine companionship! Its truly a delight to see your pet form such a close bond with another dog. Go for it! Keep us posted, and many many years of happiness with your little pack if you decide to go for it! :D :D


    I have to agree with Dogsbestfriend regarding picking up bad habits from your other dogs. I have 3 small dogs as well, I got 2 as pups, they are 5yrs now and the 3rd Millie (Fairy) I got recently from the pound. As am example the other 2 go barking mad at on coming dog traffic and make a show of me most of the time when I am out and about. Millie is older and calmer and dog friendly or so I thought :shock: . After 2 months of having her, rather than being a calming influence on the other 2 and showing them how to greet dogs I now have 3 barking mad dogs at going mental at oncoming traffic and making a show of me :lol: :oops: . I also see her following the same routines that the other 2 do….which is great especially when I was re house breaking her..she follows the other 2 outside etc…

    So I have quickly learned that a third dog will go with the pack and join in the existing behaviour rather than the other way around…

    Other than that they are a pleasure to have around and definitely benefit from having each other to play fight (which I love watching) and chase and curl up to when I am out….

    Good luck with whatever you decide :D


    Thanx for all the advice,her recall isnt great at the moment, although much better than it was so i might wait untill i have that perfected! :P


    my first dog bailey is deaf and his recall was awful,he made a show of me in puppy training and ran amuck:oops: but now cassie works for the both of them and their recall is amazing so every situation is different. how is melody doin now after her walkies??


    For all the bad habits they can pick up from each other they can also help each other loads! We had our big fella first and he was awful clingy, he wouldnt play out in the garden unless you were physically there with him and as soon as you went in so did he. He always had to be in the room with you or else he got very upset (bathroom included!) He is super affectionate and will nuzzle in for cuddles and loves kisses!! Then we got our stunning little girly and she was terrified of new people and didnt really like to be picked up or cuddled and had no clue what a kiss was! A few months later im typing this from the kitchen watching the two of them running around the garden like luntics, big lad still comes in every minute or so to check im still here but will run straight back out and continue on. In the evening the little one now nudges herself right up into your lap for cuddles and kisses and is so much more confident when meeting new people.

    Its like they saw the good in each other and copied that habit!! It is double the work, double the money and double the worry!! but seeing the two of them together I know it was the best decision I ever made!! They are totally different in every way and yet it just works!!

    I would wish you well on your search for number 2 but from experience I know that the right furry baby will find you!! Keep your mind open cause the right one is often not what you thought it would be!!


    Claire you just completely described melody!the only time she is not all over us is when there is another dog around!!i think its really the best option for us but we wont rush in to any dog!


    What about thinking of fostering?? You can get a feel for a second dog in the house and help some nice dogs along the way to their forever home too….you might just meet one you really like or they might find you:) Have to say it’s amzing to see the differences in the dogs that we have had in our home so far and how they interact with our dogs. There could be someone perfect out there waiting for you all ;)


    Yeah we signed up for fostering just waiting to hear back!we are suckers for rescue dogs especially the poor restricted breeds stuck in pounds!


    hello the same really thinking about getting a little friend 4 my staffie,love the staffies im on everyday looking at them,but think maybe i should train my dog first before i get another one because shes not the best behaved :lol: i dnt want 2 misbehaving dogs as one is bad enough


    haha they do sound the same! People cant believe it when I tell them how clingy he was! before we got him I knew all things going well we would get another but we did leave it about 6 months before we looked just to let him settle in and get to know us and lay down some ground rules! He did his training classes and once we knew he was the kind of guy who would love a pal we then started to look. We did a bit of research into types of dogs we thought would suit him and made a little check list. We had ruled out very young pups due to him being so big and looked a different breed traits and then one day up popped Sky on the DID website, little bitty baby and Cathy (the angel) came out to meet us and him for our HV then we went to meet baby Sky’s fab foster mammy Kathy and that was it love at first sight, the check list went out the window and we just knew it would work! When we brought her home our other dog just could not leave her alone for a second and he was in big brother mode from the minute he said hello and has never stopped! You are right to let her settle in a bit and puppy classes were a really a great way for us to socialise our fella and get him out and about with other doggies until the time came for him to get a friend of his own! Plus they are just so much fun!


    Can’t believe I’m only seeing this now! Yes Tara it was a ploy to get me to take on another dog straight away! Melody knew from the off what side her bread was buttered and attached herself to her mammys leg which meant Dave didn’t have the affection he wanted from a man dog! Now we are fostering Odie who adores him and hes constantly on the lookout for more! I gave in a long time ago I never win so I go with the flow! (very very fortunate that I adore them as much as he does) :P And as it turns out she loves the company! But quite happy to be alone at times too, she likes her comfort and peace does our Mel!

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